
“Internet Protocol SECurity protocol”经常缩写成IPsec,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于计算机领域 ,和网络和安全相关。


Internet Protocol SECurity protocol具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IPsec
  2. 英语全称: Internet Protocol SECurity protocol
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:Internet协议安全协议
  7. 中文拼音:xié yì ān quán xié yì
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:网络和安全


  1. IPv6 will be the next generation of communication protocol in the internet. Security protocol system is analyzed based on the security of protocol and the advantages and prospects of IPv6 are discussed in the paper.
  2. IPv6是下一代互联网的通信协议,文章论述了IPv6协议内置的安全特性,从协议安全的角度,对IPv6网络的安全机制进行了分析,并对IPv6协议的特点及发展前景作了展望。
  3. Based on Internet Protocol Security ( IPSec ), Secure Socket Layer ( SSL ), Simple Object Access Protocol Security ( SOAPSec ) and Public Key Infrastructure ( PKI ), the collaboration-oriented security architecture for partners ' cooperation in grid-based manufacturing pattern was constructed.
  4. 安全网际协议、安全套接层协议、安全简单对象访问协议和记录级等多层次的安全通信协议及基于公钥基础设施,建立了网格化制造模式下面向联盟协同的安全体系架构。
  5. However, as the development of the next generation Internet Protocol and the popularization of new type of applications, security problems of the networks based on IPv6 Protocol should be presented.
  6. 然而随着下一代互联网的发展,各种新型应用的普及,下一代互联网的安全问题也越来越突出。
  7. IPSec can provide security services which include data confidentiality, data integrity and data origin authentication through the Internet Key Exchange ( IKE ) Protocol 、 Authentication Header Protocol ( AH ) and Encapsulating Security Payload ( ESP ) Protocol.
  8. IPSec综合使用了因特网密钥交换协议IKE、认证头协议AH以及封装安全载荷协议ESP,所以它能够提供数据的机密性、数据的完整性以及数据源认证等功能。
  9. IPSec ( Internet Protocol Security ) is a set of developed standard based on the IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force ), and a protocol format to achieve security communication through the public IP network.
  10. IPSec(InternetProtocolSecurity)协议是一套基于IETF(InternetEngineeringTaskForce)开发的标准,是通过公共IP网络实现安全通讯的协议格式。


英文缩写词 IPsec 的含义,不止“Internet Protocol SECurity protocol”一个。




  1. Internet Protocol SECurity architecture 缩写成 “IPsec”. 中文意思是:Internet协议安全体系结构
  2. Internet Protocol Security 缩写成 “IPsec”. 中文意思是:Internet协议安全

