“They Were All There”经常缩写成TWAT,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于社会领域 ,和相关。中文意思为:“他们都在那里”。
They Were All There具体释义
- 英文缩写:TWAT
- 英语全称: They Were All There
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:他们都在那里
- 中文拼音:tā men dōu zài nà lǐ
- 常用领域:社会
- 相关:
- They were all there on time but the chairman.
- 除了主席之外,他们都准时到了。
- Now that they were all there she might as well speak her mind.
- 既然大家都在,她不妨把想法都谈出来。
- With the notable exception of gerald, they were all there.
- 很明显,除了格拉尔德之外,他们都在那儿。
- One day a farmer, who had twenty pigs, sent his son to count them and see if they were all there.
- 一个农夫有二十头猪。一天,他让儿子去数一下,看猪是否都在。
- Only trouble is, they were all there to see the performance of a hot young hip hop artist Nicki Minaj not to buy a lumia 900.
- 但问题是,捧场的粉丝们全都是冲着年轻性感的嘻哈歌手妮琪•米娜去的,而不是为了购买Lumia900手机。
英文缩写词 TWAT 的含义,不止“They Were All There”一个。
- Texas Women Anglers Tournament 缩写成 “TWAT”. 中文意思是:德州女子钓鱼锦标赛
- Topic The Word Association Thread 缩写成 “TWAT”. 中文意思是:主题词关联线程
- The Word Association Thread 缩写成 “TWAT”. 中文意思是:单词联想线
- The War Against Terror 缩写成 “TWAT”. 中文意思是:反恐战争
- Transforming Weaponry Assault Tank 缩写成 “TWAT”. 中文意思是:改造武器突击坦克
- The World According To 缩写成 “TWAT”. 中文意思是:世界根据
- There Was A Time 缩写成 “TWAT”. 中文意思是:曾经有一段时间
- Tupac Was A Twat 缩写成 “TWAT”. 中文意思是:图帕克是个混蛋
- The War Against Tobacco 缩写成 “TWAT”. 中文意思是:反对烟草的战争
- Tadelica The War Against Thankyou 缩写成 “TWAT”. 中文意思是:塔迪利卡对战谢谢
- Terrible Weapons And Techniques 缩写成 “TWAT”. 中文意思是:可怕的武器和技术
- Technical Windows Application Tester 缩写成 “TWAT”. 中文意思是:技术Windows应用程序测试仪