
“Key Signing Key”经常缩写成KSK,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于计算机领域 ,和网络和安全相关。


Key Signing Key具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:KSK
  2. 英语全称: Key Signing Key
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:密钥签名密钥
  7. 中文拼音:mì yuè qiān míng mì yuè
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:网络和安全


  1. The security of traditional digital signature systems is based on the signing key which is not leaked. Once the signing key is leaked, the security of the system becomes very fragile.
  2. 在传统的能够抵抗住安全性分析的数字签名系统中,如果签名密钥保存良好,系统是安全的,一旦签名密钥泄漏,系统的安全性就变得十分脆弱。
  3. For the curious, a1024 bit RSA key pair is used for signing and a128 bit secret key ( AES ) is used for encryption.
  4. 出于好奇,我们使用1024位RSA密钥对进行签名,使用128位机密密钥(AES)进行加密。
  5. If you use a key file, and if you want to delay the signing of the key file, select delay signing.
  6. 如果使用密钥文件,并且希望延迟密钥文件的签名,请选择“延迟签名”。
  7. Secondly, because the system is vulnerable in the process of key producing and signing, we apply a distributed RSA algorithm to the key producing process and adopt a structure of two-level secret shares storing the private key to improve its security.
  8. 其次,根据系统在私钥产生和签名阶段易受攻击的特性,将分布式RSA算法应用到私钥的产生过程,并在签名过程中采用双层共享结构存储私钥,以提高私钥的安全性。
  9. In this scenario, only the public key has been set at compile time and signing is performed later when the private key is known.
  10. 在此方案中,编译时只设置公钥,并且以后知道私钥时执行签名。


英文缩写词 KSK 的含义,不止“Key Signing Key”一个。




  1. Ksk Power 缩写成 “KSK”. 中文意思是:KSK功率


  1. Karlskoga, Sweden 缩写成 “KSK”. 中文意思是:瑞典卡尔斯科加


  1. Ken Saya Koadaki 缩写成 “KSK”. 中文意思是:柯达基

