
“Pick Up Artist”经常缩写成PUA,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于社会领域 ,和表演艺术相关。


Pick Up Artist : 拾取艺术家

Pick Up Artist具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:PUA
  2. 英语全称: Pick Up Artist
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:拾取艺术家
  7. 中文拼音:shí qǔ yì shù jiā
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:表演艺术


  1. A surprising 42 percent of divorced men who are looking to date again also said they would be prepared to pay for a professional pick up artist to them on a date a little like Steve Carrell does with Ryan Gosling in the film.
  2. 这些想重新开始约会的离婚男性当中,有多达42%的人说他们将准备聘请一个把妹专家陪自己去约会,有点像电影中史蒂夫卡瑞尔和瑞恩高斯林所做的事。
  3. The solution is to make your " actual self " the guy who is attractive to women rather than having to go into " Pick Up Artist(PUA) Mode ".
  4. 对此有效的方法就是做回那个对女性有吸引力而不是模仿别人的那个你。
  5. It was inevitable that the mass market would pick up on the idea of artist collaborations, Ms. Kubler said, but it is an interesting test of their relevance.
  6. 大众市场肯定会慢慢熟悉这种与艺术家合作的做法,库布勒说,但它是个关于相关性的有趣测试。
  7. If you pick up a record and look at the artist, track list, and additional information on the back, then your are perusing.
  8. 如果你拿起一张唱片查看背后的艺术家、目录和其他信息,那就叫peruse(深入观察)了。
  9. I remember one afternoon a few years ago, when I needed to pick something up from a friend who is a brilliant artist.
  10. 我记得几年前的一个下午,我要从一位才华横溢的艺术家朋友那里取样东西。


英文缩写词 PUA 的含义,不止“Pick Up Artist”一个。




  1. Portland Urologic Associates 缩写成 “PUA”. 中文意思是:波特兰泌尿科协会
  2. Professional Underwriters Agency, Inc. 缩写成 “PUA”. 中文意思是:专业保险代理公司


  1. Partido de Unificación Anticomunista 缩写成 “PUA”. 中文意思是:反共统一党


  1. Puas, Papua New Guinea 缩写成 “PUA”. 中文意思是:巴布亚新几内亚普亚斯


  1. Peoples University of the Americas 缩写成 “PUA”. 中文意思是:美洲人民大学
  2. Anambra State 缩写成 “PUA”. 中文意思是:阿南布拉状态


  1. Private Use Area 缩写成 “PUA”. 中文意思是:私人使用区


  1. Potentially Unwanted Application 缩写成 “PUA”. 中文意思是:可能不需要的应用程序

