
“Length to Diameter Ratio”经常缩写成L/D,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和单位测量相关。


Length to Diameter Ratio具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:L/D
  2. 英语全称: Length to Diameter Ratio
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:长径比
  7. 中文拼音:cháng jìng bǐ
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:单位测量


  1. Screw of big length to diameter ratio, uniform plasticationhigh plasticizing capability.
  2. 大长径比(L/D)螺杆、塑化均匀、塑化能力特高。
  3. When the length to diameter ratio is bigger than 100, then the difficulty of processing is higher.
  4. 当长径比(L/D)大于100时,则加工难度更高。
  5. The experimental research verified that this method had probed a new way for solving the sealing problem of stirring shaft of high-speed pressured reaction axe with large length to diameter ratio.
  6. 实验研究证明,该方法为解决高速大长径比(L/D)压力反应釜搅拌轴密封问题探索了一种新途径。
  7. The effects of whiskers length to diameter ratio that material ratio, reaction time, reaction temperature and the concentration on magnesium sulfate solution were investigated in experiment.
  8. 实验过程中考察了物料配比、反应时间、反应温度及硫酸镁溶液的浓度对晶须长径比(L/D)的影响。
  9. With the minimum frictional power loss and the maximum " the minimum oil film thickness " as the optimum objectives, the marine stern tube bearing is optimized by adjusting the length to diameter ratio, the clearance ratio and the altitude angle ratio.
  10. 并分别以功耗最小、最小油膜厚度最大为优化目标,通过改变长径比(L/D)、间隙比、偏角比对尾管轴承进行了优化设计。


英文缩写词 L/D 的含义,不止“Length to Diameter Ratio”一个。




  1. Lift/Drag (Ratio) 缩写成 “L/D”. 中文意思是:升阻比
  2. Length-to-Diameter ratio 缩写成 “L/D”. 中文意思是:长径比
  3. Lift-to-Drag ratio 缩写成 “L/D”. 中文意思是:升阻比

