
“Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System”经常缩写成DRIS,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于医学领域 ,和医院相关。


Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System : 诊断推荐集成系统

Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:DRIS
  2. 英语全称: Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:诊断推荐集成系统
  7. 中文拼音:zhěn duàn tuī jiàn jí chéng xì tǒng
  8. 常用领域:医学
  9. 相关:医院


  1. In this paper, a method of judgement of the M-DRIS ( Modified Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System(DRIS) ) to the plenty and lack of crops nutrient has been introduced.
  2. 本文介绍了修改的综合诊断施肥法(M-DRIS)对作物养分丰缺的判定方法。
  3. Comparison Between Sufficiency Range Method and Modified Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System(DRIS) in Nutrition Diagnosis of Litchi
  4. 充足范围法和修正诊断施肥综合法在荔枝营养诊断中的比较
  5. The combination nutrition diagnosis method based on the Profit and Loss Index ( PLI ) and the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System(DRIS) ( DRIS ) wholly judge the tree nutrition status from the nutrition element balance theory aspect. Its process is complicated and calculation is very large.
  6. 营养临界值PLI和营养综合指数DRIS诊断结合法是从营养元素平衡的理论出发,对树体营养状况进行整体判断,过程复杂,计算量大。
  7. Advances in studies on using Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System(DRIS) ( DRIS ) in nutrition diagnosis of fruit trees
  8. 诊断施肥综合法在果树营养诊断上的应用研究进展
  9. Study on diagnosis and recommendation integrated system of Cryptomeria fortunei seedlings ⅱ. Indexes method of DRIS in fields
  10. 柳杉苗木综合营养诊断研究Ⅱ.田间DRIS指数法


英文缩写词 DRIS 的含义,不止“Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System”一个。




  1. Defense Retail Inter-service Support 缩写成 “DRIS”. 中文意思是:国防零售服务间支持
  2. Dakota Radio Information Service 缩写成 “DRIS”. 中文意思是:达科他无线电信息服务


  1. Developing Rural Integrated Strategies 缩写成 “DRIS”. 中文意思是:发展农村综合战略
  2. Detroit Radio Information Service (Detroit NPR radio station SCA service) 缩写成 “DRIS”. 中文意思是:底特律广播电台信息服务(底特律 NPR 广播电台 SCA 服务)


  1. Decennial Response Integration System 缩写成 “DRIS”. 中文意思是:十年响应集成系统


  1. Domain Resource Integration System 缩写成 “DRIS”. 中文意思是:域资源集成系统

