
“Angry Emotion”经常缩写成:@,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于互联网领域 ,和表情符号相关。


Angry Emotion : 愤怒情绪

Angry Emotion具体释义

  1. 英文缩写::@
  2. 英语全称: Angry Emotion
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:愤怒情绪
  7. 中文拼音:fèn nù qíng xù
  8. 常用领域:互联网
  9. 相关:表情符号


  1. Trustworthy ( low-conflict ) partners is a happy face or body emotions shows money allocation scheme is likely to be beneficial for participants, and if the angry emotion that scheme is likely to be adverse.
  2. 可信(低冲突)的提案者如果是高兴的面孔或肢体情绪则说明金钱分配的方案很可能是对被试有利的,而如果是生气的情绪则说明方案很可能是对被试不利的。
  3. Female college students usually use more social support and situation selection strategies than male college students in angry and sad emotion regulation, while male college students use more expressive suppression strategies than the females.
  4. 大学生在进行愤怒和悲伤情绪调节时,女生比男生更倾向于使用人际支持和情境选择策略;男生比女生更倾向于使用表达抑制策略。
  5. Getting angry is the silliest emotion in the world.
  6. 生气是人世间最愚蠢的情感行为!
  7. You can get a kind of warped satisfaction from talking about being angry without necessarily wanting to change the circumstances that trigger that emotion.
  8. 有些人往往只是单纯地发泄怒火来得到某种畸形的快感,而不去找出怒火的源头,想办法改善不如意的情况。
  9. For example, if you are angry about a friend getting injured on the job, put your emotion to good use in making the workplace safer and preventing another incident.
  10. 工作不能情绪化。比方说,因为一个朋友在工作中受到伤害让你感到非常愤怒,那么不妨转移你的情绪到好的方面,采取措施使工作环境更安全,预防新的事故的发生。

