
“Fiber Optic Service”经常缩写成FiOS,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于计算机领域 ,和电信相关。


Fiber Optic Service : 光纤业务

Fiber Optic Service具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:FiOS
  2. 英语全称: Fiber Optic Service
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:光纤业务
  7. 中文拼音:guāng xiān yè wù
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:电信


  1. The agreement expanded Turkcell's fiber optic service to new regions, allowed for new cross-border points with neighbors, and also bolstered its existing service by allowing alternative data paths.
  2. 这一协议将Turkcell的光纤服务延伸到了新的地区,可与邻国实现新的跨境接入,同时通过可替代数据途径强化了现有的服务。
  3. Other progress in fiber optic components and integrated network architecture for service providers to bring about the establishment of more efficient solution.
  4. 光纤组件的其它进步和一体化网状体系结构的建立将为服务供应商带来更高效的解决方案。
  5. Transmission network carrying broadband services as the basic network, the existing supply of fiber optic transmission network bandwidth, network reliability, network quality of service, business adaptability, and new business has been increasingly unable to meet rapidly growing demand.
  6. 传输网作为承载宽带业务的基础网络,现有的光缆传输网在带宽供给、网络可靠性、网络服务质量、业务适应性等方面已逐渐不能满足新业务快速增长的需求。
  7. That way, a service promised by Global Crossing on its fiber optic network will be extended all the way to a customer's door & even if another company carries the service that last mile.
  8. 这样的话,GlobalCrossing承诺的光纤网络服务可以扩展到所有用户那里&即使另外一个公司也提供了这种服务。


英文缩写词 FiOS 的含义,不止“Fiber Optic Service”一个。




  1. Fiber Optic Services 缩写成 “FiOS”. 中文意思是:光纤服务
  2. Free In and Out Stowed 缩写成 “FIOS”. 中文意思是:自由进出存放


  1. Federal Institute of Studies 缩写成 “FIOS”. 中文意思是:联邦研究所


  1. Free In Out Stowed 缩写成 “FIOS”. 中文意思是:自由进出存放


  1. Fiber Optic Services as provided by Verizon 缩写成 “FiOS”. 中文意思是:Verizon提供的光纤服务

