
“Washington, ME”经常缩写成04574,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于地域领域 ,和邮政编码相关。


Washington, ME : 华盛顿,我

Washington, ME具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:04574
  2. 英语全称: Washington, ME
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:华盛顿,我
  7. 中文拼音:huá shèng dùn wǒ
  8. 常用领域:地域
  9. 相关:邮政编码


  1. Washington struck me as a precarious place from which to publish such a cerebral newspaper.
  2. 我的感觉是,在华盛顿出版这样一份理性的报纸不是太靠谱。
  3. When Washington called me, I was younger than you.
  4. 当华盛顿打电话给我的时候,我比你还年轻。
  5. What's the difference between George Washington and me? - washington can not tell a lie. I will not tell a lie.
  6. 乔治华盛顿跟我有什么不同?华盛顿不会说谎,而我则无意说谎。
  7. Of course I did not know what it was all about, but I enjoyed the pleasant odours that filled the house and the tidbits that were given to Martha Washington and me to keep us quiet.
  8. 当然,我并不知道这是一个什么样的节日,但是弥漫在房子里的香味令我陶醉其中,而花样繁多的美食也会让我和玛莎·华盛顿安静下来。
  9. And I know Americans want all of us in Washington especially me to concentrate on the task of building our nation here at home : putting people back to work, educating our kids, growing our middle class.
  10. 而且我知道,美国人民希望我们在华盛顿的所有人特别是我集中精力进行国内建设:让人们重返工作岗位,让我们的孩子受教育,壮大我们的中产阶层。

