“Sullivan, ME”经常缩写成04664,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于地域领域 ,和邮政编码相关。中文意思为:“沙利文,我”。
Sullivan, ME具体释义
- 英文缩写:04664
- 英语全称: Sullivan, ME
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:沙利文,我
- 中文拼音:shā lì wén wǒ
- 常用领域:地域
- 相关:邮政编码
- He had invited Miss Sullivan and me to call on him one Sunday afternoon.
- 那是在一个星期天的下午,他邀请我和苏立文小姐去他家做客。
- Miss Sullivan showed me again and again what to do.
- 沙利文小姐一遍又一遍地示意我该怎么做。
- Miss Sullivan taught me to take all the care of my new pet.
- 苏立文小姐教会了我怎样照顾新宠物。
- Everything Miss Sullivan taught me she illustrated by a beautiful story or a poem.
- 苏立文小姐会把教给我的每一样东西用一个故事或者一首诗表达出来。
- After the play Miss Sullivan took me to see him behind the scenes, and I felt of his curious garb and his flowing hair and beard.
- 演出过后,苏立文小姐带我来到后台,我触摸到了里普那奇特的装束,他飘拂的头发和脸上的胡须。