
“Clayton, IN”经常缩写成46118,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于地域领域 ,和邮政编码相关。


Clayton, IN : 克莱顿

Clayton, IN具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:46118
  2. 英语全称: Clayton, IN
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:克莱顿
  7. 中文拼音:kè lái dùn
  8. 常用领域:地域
  9. 相关:邮政编码


  1. Joseph Byron Clayton died in 1923, after which his son took over the Byron Company and continued to run it successfully until the middle of World War II, when business experienced a downturn and the company closed for good in October 1942.
  2. 约瑟夫拜伦克莱顿(46118)先生于1923年离世,之后他的儿子继承了拜伦公司(摄影公司)并经营了下去。直到二次大战中期,公司面临萧条,于1942年10月永久关闭。
  3. Dr. Clayton says there's a point in life when a fundamental shift occurs, and people start thinking about how much time they have left rather than how long they have lived.
  4. 克雷顿博士指出,这一刻,人生发生了根本性转变:人们开始思考他们的生命还剩下多少时间,而不是已经过去了多久。
  5. As an example of how US law enforcers are now infiltrating the corporate world, Mr Clayton recalls a recent industry conference in which one participant started discussing training trips in Hawaii that his company had organised for customers.
  6. 克莱顿(46118)举了一个例子来说明美国执法者正在如何打入企业界。他回忆起在最近的一次行业会议上,一位与会者开始讨论自己公司为客户安排的夏威夷培训旅行。
  7. Thomas Clayton Wolfe, the prominent novelist in American literature history, gained splendid success in literature during his brief life, is thought to be a rare genius.
  8. 托马斯·克莱顿(46118)·沃尔夫(ThomasClaytonWolfe)是著名的现代美国小说家之一。他短暂的一生却取得了辉煌的文学成就,被认为是美国少有的文学天才。
  9. Chief Executive Joseph Clayton, who took the helm of the satellite-television company in 2011, says he has been pushing to lighten the mood at the firm's Denver offices.
  10. 2011年开始执掌这家卫星电视公司的首席执行长约瑟夫·克莱顿(46118)(JosephClayton)说,他一直在公司的丹佛(Denver)事业部推动放松情绪的工作。

