
“Paragon, IN”经常缩写成46166,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于地域领域 ,和邮政编码相关。


Paragon, IN : 帕拉冈

Paragon, IN具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:46166
  2. 英语全称: Paragon, IN
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:帕拉冈
  7. 中文拼音:pà lā gāng
  8. 常用领域:地域
  9. 相关:邮政编码


  1. Nowadays, with an advancing triumphantly posture and huge influence, the new media which takes the internet advertisement as representative is attacking the traditional media, and becoming a new paragon in the advertising industry.
  2. 今天以网络广告为代表的新媒体正在以高歌猛进的姿态和巨大的影响力冲击着传统媒体,成为广告业中的新贵。
  3. Master has set an excellent paragon for us in giving unconditional love to all beings in the universe.
  4. 师父已为我们树立了一个对所有众生付出无条件爱心的完美典范。
  5. Once Cybertron had been teeming with life, the paragon of scientific research and development in its particular corner of the galaxy.
  6. 昔日的塞伯坦欣欣向荣,在星系的这片角落里,它是科研与发展的典范。
  7. Paragon, which has partnered with NASA in previous experiments on the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station, calls it a " Lunar Oasis ".
  8. Paragon公司将这一计划称为月球绿洲。该机构与美国宇航局长期合作,曾在航天飞机和国际空间站上做过试验。
  9. Decline of Paragon Politics and Movement of Written Law in Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period
  10. 典范政治衰落与春秋战国成文法运动

