
“Hamilton, IN”经常缩写成46742,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于地域领域 ,和邮政编码相关。


Hamilton, IN : 汉密尔顿或哈密尔顿

Hamilton, IN具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:46742
  2. 英语全称: Hamilton, IN
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:汉密尔顿或哈密尔顿
  7. 中文拼音:hàn mì ěr dùn huò hā mì ěr dùn
  8. 常用领域:地域
  9. 相关:邮政编码


  1. Quaternions, which extend imaginary numbers into a further dimension, began to be developed by William Hamilton in Dublin in 1843.
  2. 1843年,威廉汉密尔顿(williamhamilton)在都柏林发明了四元数,将虚数扩展到四维空间。
  3. Q. ( Livio Oricchio – O Estado do Sao Paulo ) Kimi, after seeing Hamilton in front of you after the last pit stop, did you believe it was possible for you to overtake him?
  4. 最后一次进站之后看到汉密尔顿在你前面,你觉得自己有可能超过他吗?
  5. This article raised the structural function of Timoshenko beam which is geometrically nonlinear but linear in physics, employed the Theory of Hamilton in Timoshenko beam to deduce serious of nonlinear integro-partial-fluxional dynamical equations.
  6. 提出了几何非线物理线性的Timoshenko梁的构造函数,应用Hamilton原理于导出了非线性动力学偏微分-积分方程组。
  7. Researchers from the University of Warwick and Hamilton College in New York said that previous studies have shown'happy'nations had high suicide rates, with Denmark often singled out as an example.
  8. 华威大学和汉密尔顿学院的研究人员称,先前的研究表明“快乐”的国家自杀率很高,丹麦就是一个例子。
  9. Now, Hamilton College in Clinton, N.Y., says it will phase out merit scholarships altogether.
  10. 纽约克林顿市的哈密尔顿学院说它将逐步淘汰奖学金。

