
“Real Time Quality Control”经常缩写成RTQC,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和交通运输相关。


Real Time Quality Control : 实时质量控制

Real Time Quality Control具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:RTQC
  2. 英语全称: Real Time Quality Control
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:实时质量控制
  7. 中文拼音:shí shí zhì liàng kòng zhì
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:交通运输


  1. Study on real time quality control system of Shanghai automatic weather station
  2. 上海自动气象站实时质量控制(RTQC)系统研究
  3. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms are effective and are superior that of the real time quality control ( RTQC ) algorithm for the varied system errors.
  4. 仿真表明两种算法能有效地对雷达系统误差进行估计,尤其是当系统偏差发生变化时,配准效果明显优于实时质量控制(RTQC)(RTQC)配准算法。
  5. Compared with the results obtained using the ordinary least square method ( OLS ), the results obtained using KF method arc more accurate and reliable. It is especially applicable to analysis of the samples in batches and real time quality control.
  6. 与常规最小二乘法所得结果相比,KF法所得结果更准确可靠,尤其适用于批量分析和实时质量控制(RTQC)。
  7. After detailed investigation and analysis of the S company, some problems are found in its process of real time quality control and statistical analysis.
  8. 通过对上海S车灯公司现有质量管控体系进行分析,发现在实时质量控制(RTQC)、数据统计分析方面的管理尚存在一些问题,需要尽快予以处理。
  9. The system introduced in the paper is designed based on infrared electronic technology to complete real time quality control and examination for production of cotton spinning equipment. The designed system is simulated and tested by CAD software ( EDA ).
  10. 设计基于红外传感技术,完成了对棉纺织机械设备等生产产品的实时现场质量检测控制,利用计算机辅助设计EDA软件进行系统仿真测试、电路板图设计。

