
“Left Ventricular Stroke Volume”经常缩写成LVSV,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于医学领域 ,和生理学相关。


Left Ventricular Stroke Volume : 左心室卒中量

Left Ventricular Stroke Volume具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:LVSV
  2. 英语全称: Left Ventricular Stroke Volume
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:左心室卒中量
  7. 中文拼音:zuǒ xīn shì cù zhòng liàng
  8. 常用领域:医学
  9. 相关:生理学


  1. After stopping of pacemaker and restoration of sinus rhythm for six months atrial size and AV valvular regurgitation can decrease associated with increase of left ventricular stroke volume.
  2. 而起搏器工作停止后恢复窦性心律一段时间心房扩大和房室瓣反流可逆转,并可改善心输出量。
  3. Left atrial ejection force ( LAF ) was positively correlated with left atrial ejection fraction ( LAEF ), while left ventricular stroke volume ( LVSV ) and left ventricular ejection fraction ( LVEF ) were negatively correlated with LAPEP / LAET ratio.
  4. LAF甲亢组比正常组增大;甲亢组内LAF与左房射血分数(LAEF)、左室每搏量(LVSV)、左室射血分数(LVEF)呈正相关,与LAPEP/LAET呈负相关。
  5. At the same time, left ventricular end-diastolic volume ( LVEDV ), left ventricular end-systolic volume ( LVESV ) and left ventricular stroke volume ( LVSV ) by 2DE using Simpson's method were acquired.
  6. 同时,应用二维超声心动图(2DE)双平面Simpson's法测量左室舒张末期容积(LVEDV)、左室收缩末期容积(LVESV),并计算左室每搏量(LVSV)。
  7. Estimation of Left Ventricular Stroke Volume(LVSV)
  8. 左心室每搏出量的估算
  9. In the indexes of left ventricular function, the figures of stroke volume and cardiac output in athletic group, while the figures of heart rate and ejection fraction were lower than those in non - athletic group.
  10. 在所比较的左心室功能指标中运动员组的搏出量和心输出最大于非运动员组,心率、射血分数和单位心肌射血则运动员组小于非运动员组。

