
“Department of Education and Training”经常缩写成DET,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于地域领域 ,和澳大利亚相关。


Department of Education and Training : 教育培训部

Department of Education and Training具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:DET
  2. 英语全称: Department of Education and Training
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:教育培训部
  7. 中文拼音:jiào yù péi xùn bù
  8. 常用领域:地域
  9. 相关:澳大利亚


  1. In order to further implement Shanghai Mental Health act, the Department of education and training should focus on identifying and resolving problems.
  2. 教育培训科应立足问题的及时发现和解决,以进一步贯彻《上海市精神卫生条例》。
  3. In the fourth part, the paper explains the postgraduate training plan and characteristics of the physics department, introduces the recovery backgrounds of the postgraduate education and the postgraduate training methods, and also gives a preliminary analysis for the postgraduate training characteristics of the department.
  4. 第四部分论述了物理学部研究生的培养方案及特点,包括研究生教育恢复的背景以及研究生培养方法,并对物理学部培养研究生的特点进行初步分析。
  5. The results showed the construction of the department of rehabilitation medicine in general hospital is on the basis of developing the rehabilitation education and training the talent of rehabilitation speciality in university, which is a key to the construction of department of rehabilitation medicine of general hospital.
  6. 结果表明,综合医院康复医学科建设是开展康复医学教育的基础,发展康复教育和培养康复专业人才是综合医院康复医学科建设的关键。
  7. Students from the Department of Physical Education are selected to receive an 8-week and whole-body vibration stimulation on a self-made strength training instrument to increase the ability of their legs ' anti-load.
  8. 首次采用自制的振动台力量训练器,对10名体育系学生进行8周下肢抗负荷半蹲起全身振动刺激力量训练,膝关节角度控制在110~120°。
  9. Lake training center belonging to Henan Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision Department, bear the Clean Government Party members and cadres across the province of the discipline inspection and supervision system of public education and training, conference and reception.
  10. 龙湖培训中心隶属于河南省纪委监察厅,承担着全省广大党员干部党风廉政建设的宣传教育及纪检监察系统人员培训、会务接待工作。


英文缩写词 DET 的含义,不止“Department of Education and Training”一个。




  1. Detroit Tigers 缩写成 “DET”. 中文意思是:底特律老虎队


  1. Determine 缩写成 “DET”. 中文意思是:确定


  1. Decs Trust 缩写成 “DET”. 中文意思是:DECS信任
  2. Directorate of Employment Training 缩写成 “DET”. 中文意思是:就业培训局


  1. Detroit City Airport, Detroit, Michigan USA 缩写成 “DET”. 中文意思是:美国密歇根州底特律市机场


  1. Dull Emitter Transmitting 缩写成 “DET”. 中文意思是:钝发射极发射


  1. Data Entry Terminal 缩写成 “DET”. 中文意思是:数据输入终端
  2. Displaced Equipment Training 缩写成 “DET”. 中文意思是:移动装备训练
  3. Distributed Explosive Technology 缩写成 “DET”. 中文意思是:分布爆炸技术
  4. Detachment 缩写成 “DET”. 中文意思是:脱离
  5. Detached 缩写成 “DET”. 中文意思是:独立的
  6. DETail 缩写成 “DET”. 中文意思是:细节
  7. DETainee 缩写成 “DET”. 中文意思是:被拘留者
  8. detention 缩写成 “Det”. 中文意思是:拘留


  1. Diffusional Equilibrium Thin 缩写成 “DET”. 中文意思是:扩散平衡薄
  2. Detroit Lions 缩写成 “DET”. 中文意思是:底特律雄狮

