
“Car PORT”经常缩写成C/PORT,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于社会领域 ,和住房和设施相关。


Car PORT : 汽车港口

Car PORT具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:C/PORT
  2. 英语全称: Car PORT
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:汽车港口
  7. 中文拼音:qì chē gǎng kǒu
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:住房和设施


  1. I need it for surveillance on the car port off the back of our apartment block.
  2. 因为我需要用它来监视不在公寓楼后区的那个停车场。
  3. At the same time pass create a specific request, can carry on opposite location of car port and vehicle kinetics performance analysis.
  4. 同时通过建立特定请求,可进行车端相对位置以及车辆动力学性能分析。
  5. The bags come with a standard car cigarette lighter-style port ready to recharge most small electronic devices including mobile phones, digital cameras, two-way radios, PDAs and portable digital music players. They are not designed to charge laptops.
  6. 这些包还有标准的汽车点烟器型接口,以备为多数小型电子设备重新充电,这些电子设备包括手机、数码相机、双向收音机、PDA和便携数字音乐播放器,但不包括笔记本电脑。
  7. From the basic theory of the car unloading technology of ports, the article clarifies that the car unloading of port can produce the fault ( feeding as the baffles are in the same side, which results of calking ) and the reason of this fault.
  8. 从港口卸车工艺的基本工作原理入手,叙述了港口卸车过程中可能出现的故障(翻板同侧给料而造成的堵料),和其产生的原因。
  9. Sunni Justin reports from Sudan says an airstrike has destroyed a car near the city of Port Sudan.
  10. 来自苏丹的报道,空袭摧毁了苏丹港附近的一辆汽车。

