
“Ultra-High Efficiency”经常缩写成UHE,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于学术科学领域 ,和建筑学相关。


Ultra-High Efficiency : 超高效

Ultra-High Efficiency具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:UHE
  2. 英语全称: Ultra-High Efficiency
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:超高效
  7. 中文拼音:chāo gāo xiào
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:建筑学


  1. It's ultra-high efficiency filtration is so powerful, it can remove as much as100 times the amount of air pollutants and allergens as some commonly sold air cleaners.
  2. 它所拥有的高效过滤系统十分强大,可过滤的空气污染物以及过敏原数量甚至可以达到市售常见空气净化产品的100倍。
  3. Ultra-high energy efficiency, economic energy-saving : the summer air-conditioning cooling water used as a source of heat, not only enhance the two-heat hot water production units;
  4. 超高能效、经济节能:夏季采用空调冷却水作为热源,既提高了双热源热水机组的热水产量;
  5. Start the EOR study in the ultra-high water cut stage Analysis the characteristics and influencing factors of water displacement efficiency, understand the limited water oil displacement efficiency and carry out studies on methods, techniques and the development direction to improve oil recovery.
  6. 研究了特高含水期提高水驱采收率的主要技术方向分析了水驱油效率特征及影响因素,再认识了极限水驱油效率,并开展了提高采收率方法、技术及发展方向研究。
  7. Ultra-high speed cutting technology not only reduces the cutting time and enhances the cutting efficiency, but also improves the machining accuracy and surface quality.
  8. 超高速加工技术不仅能减少切削时间,提高切削效率,同时还能提高加工精度和表面质量。
  9. Autotransformers are important power-transferred and voltage-transformed equipments widely served in high, extra-high and ultra-high voltages electrical network with its low cost, low exciting power, and high operational efficiency.
  10. 高压自耦变压器以其成本低、励磁功率低和运行效率高等优点,被广泛地应用到了高压电力网络当中,成为重要的传递电能的电压转换设备。


英文缩写词 UHE 的含义,不止“Ultra-High Efficiency”一个。




  1. Uplink: Hacker Elite 缩写成 “UHE”. 中文意思是:上行链路:黑客精英


  1. University Hospital East 缩写成 “UHE”. 中文意思是:大学医院东
  2. Utah Healthcare Executives 缩写成 “UHE”. 中文意思是:犹他州医疗保健主管


  1. Uherske Hradiste, Czech Republic 缩写成 “UHE”. 中文意思是:捷克共和国乌赫尔堡


  1. Ultra- High Energy 缩写成 “UHE”. 中文意思是:超高能
  2. University Heights Elementary 缩写成 “UHE”. 中文意思是:大学高地小学


  1. Used Heavy Equipment 缩写成 “UHE”. 中文意思是:使用过的重型设备
  2. Ultra High Energy 缩写成 “UHE”. 中文意思是:超高能量


  1. Utah History Encyclopedia 缩写成 “UHE”. 中文意思是:犹他州历史百科全书


  1. Ultra High Efficiency 缩写成 “UHE”. 中文意思是:超高效

