
“Disability-Adjusted Life Expectancy”经常缩写成DALE,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于医学领域 ,和医院相关。


Disability-Adjusted Life Expectancy : 残疾调整预期寿命

Disability-Adjusted Life Expectancy具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:DALE
  2. 英语全称: Disability-Adjusted Life Expectancy
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:残疾调整预期寿命
  7. 中文拼音:cán jí tiáo zhěng yù qī shòu mìng
  8. 常用领域:医学
  9. 相关:医院


  1. The study of Disability-Adjusted Life Expectancy(DALE) of Urban and Rural Areas in Sichuan Province
  2. 四川省城乡人口伤残调整期望寿命粗略测算
  3. As a new summary measure of population health in the World Health Report 2000, WHO initiated disability-adjusted life expectancy ( DALE ) to assess the health performance in all member countries.
  4. 伤残调整期望寿命年(DALE)是新的健康综合衡量指标,WHO将其用于各成员国卫生系统的绩效评价。
  5. Health financing has made important influence on the three goals of health systems : financial fairness, disability-adjusted life expectancy and responsiveness.
  6. 健康融资的方式对实现健康制度的目标有重要的影响。
  7. The Value of Disability-adjusted Life Expectancy for Comprehensive Evaluation of Human Development
  8. 健康期望寿命的综合评价


英文缩写词 DALE 的含义,不止“Disability-Adjusted Life Expectancy”一个。




  1. Disability Adjusted Life Expectancy 缩写成 “DALE”. 中文意思是:残疾调整预期寿命


  1. Directorate of Ammunition Logistics Engineering 缩写成 “DALE”. 中文意思是:弹药后勤工程局


  1. Democrats Against Logic and Ethics 缩写成 “DALE”. 中文意思是:民主党人反对逻辑和道德
  2. Drug Abuse Law Enforcement 缩写成 “DALE”. 中文意思是:药物滥用执法


  1. Dynamic Alternative Learning Environment 缩写成 “DALE”. 中文意思是:动态替代学习环境
  2. Diversity Awareness and Language Education 缩写成 “DALE”. 中文意思是:多元意识与语言教育


  1. Dynamic Augmented Living Environment 缩写成 “DALE”. 中文意思是:动态增强生活环境

