
“Failure To Yield”经常缩写成FTY,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和警察相关。


Failure To Yield : 不屈服

Failure To Yield具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:FTY
  2. 英语全称: Failure To Yield
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:不屈服
  7. 中文拼音:bù qū fú
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:警察


  1. They charged the driver with failure to yield to a police officer and driving under the influence.
  2. 他们控告该司机违抗警察以及酒后驾驶。
  3. The failure of talks in Geneva to yield an accord is not likely to be a focal point of discussion on Capitol Hill.
  4. 日内瓦会谈未能达成协议一事不太可能成为美国国会讨论的焦点。
  5. At the same time, the previous global estimate of failure probability can serve as additional prior information to yield the overall calibrated probability.
  6. 同时,先前估计的全局破坏概率,能够用作额外的先验信息,来给出全部校准的破坏概率。
  7. Every attempt was made to throw discredit upon his assertions. At the same time, the previous global estimate of failure probability can serve as additional prior information to yield the overall calibrated probability.
  8. 那些人千方百计地破坏他所说的话的信用。同时,先前估计的全局破坏概率,能够用作额外的先验信息,来给出全部校准的破坏概率。
  9. Rather, you must try to anticipate the most likely failure modes for the system and decide which actions are most likely to yield the most useful information in each case.
  10. 相反,您必须尝试为系统预测最可能的故障模式,并决定在各种情况下,哪些操作最可能产生最有用的信息。


英文缩写词 FTY 的含义,不止“Failure To Yield”一个。




  1. Fifty 缩写成 “FTY”. 中文意思是:五十
  2. Fleming Technology Trust, PLC 缩写成 “FTY”. 中文意思是:弗莱明科技信托公司


  1. First Time Yield 缩写成 “FTY”. 中文意思是:第一次收益率
  2. Factory 缩写成 “FTY”. 中文意思是:工厂
  3. Final Test Yield 缩写成 “FTY”. 中文意思是:最终试验产量
  4. Flyer Than You 缩写成 “FTY”. 中文意思是:比你飞

