
“First Two Layers”经常缩写成F2L,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和爱好相关。


First Two Layers : 前两层

First Two Layers具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:F2L
  2. 英语全称: First Two Layers
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:前两层
  7. 中文拼音:qián liǎng céng
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:爱好


  1. We 'll refer to the first two layers as high-level and low-level service layers.
  2. 我们将前两层(F2L)称为高级服务层和低级服务层。
  3. The results also showed that the surface energy is related to the average surface electronic density distribution. The electronic density of orbital s and p of the first two surface atomic layers redistributed.
  4. 分析了表面能差异与表面电荷平均面密度的关系,表面原子层和次表面原子层的电荷面密度在s,p轨道上重新分布。
  5. In a broad sense, curriculum culture includes the material culture, the system culture and the spirit culture of curriculum. The first two cultures compose the outer layers of curriculum culture and the spiritual culture forms the core of curriculum culture.
  6. 广义的课程文化包括课程物质文化、课程制度文化和课程精神文化,其中前两方面是课程文化的外层,精神文化方面是课程文化的内核。
  7. The data of apparent resistivity was measured by the Wenner four electrode method, the earth thickness of the first layer and the resistivity of the two layers for the two layer earth horizontally layered are obtained by the simplex optimal method of non lineal programming.
  8. 对水平分层的两层土壤,用温纳四电极法测得其视在电阻率,然后用非线性规划的单纯形优化方法,求出第一层土壤的厚度与两层土壤的电阻率。
  9. Tested the microhardness with Dynamic Ultra Micro Hardness Tester. Results : 1. Macroscopic structure observation : The first kind of composite resin tooth has two layers : the outer is thinner; semitransparent and light-coloured;
  10. 结果:1.牙体宏观结构观察:镜下见,拜尔牙分两层:外层较薄,半透明,淡染;

