
“Drug and Disease”经常缩写成D&D,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于医学领域 ,和医院相关。


Drug and Disease : 药物和疾病

Drug and Disease具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:D&D
  2. 英语全称: Drug and Disease
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:药物和疾病
  7. 中文拼音:yào wù hé jí bìng
  8. 常用领域:医学
  9. 相关:医院


  1. Sermo and Pfizer will work together to establish how drugmakers can best communicate with physicians online, and provide drug and disease information to them on-demand.
  2. sermo将与全球最大制药商辉瑞合作,确定制药商如何才能最好地和医生进行在线沟通,并根据他们的需求提供药品和疾病信息。
  3. The quantitative relationship between drug consumption and disease severity was not observed.
  4. 研究未发现药品消耗量与疾病严重度之间预期的定量关系。
  5. The identification of essential proteins has significance application value in drug design and disease treatment.
  6. 关键蛋白质的识别在药物设计和疾病治疗方面具有重要应用价值。
  7. The ultimate objective is to research and analyse the application of association rule mining in clinical disease surveillance, evaluation of drug treatments and disease prevention aspects.
  8. 最终的目的是对关联规则挖掘在临床疾病监测、药物治疗效果的评价以及疾病的预防等方面的应用进行分析研究。
  9. Genetic polymorphism is the common cause of inter-individual and interethnic differences in the metabolism of the same substrate. This polymorphism influences both drug response and disease treatment ( such as schizophrenia, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and cancer etc ).
  10. 遗传多态性是引起个体间和种族间对同一底物代谢能力不同的主要原因之一,这种突变影响了临床疗效和用药安全,比如治疗精神分裂症、心血管疾病、高血压以及癌症等。


英文缩写词 D&D 的含义,不止“Drug and Disease”一个。




  1. Done and Dusted 缩写成 “D&D”. 中文意思是:尘埃落定


  1. Drunk And Disorderly 缩写成 “D&D”. 中文意思是:醉酒和混乱
  2. Drink and Drive 缩写成 “D&D”. 中文意思是:酒后驾车
  3. Denial and Deception 缩写成 “D&D”. 中文意思是:否认和欺骗


  1. Dishwasher and Disposal 缩写成 “D&D”. 中文意思是:洗碗机和处理

