
“Will Continue To Monitor”经常缩写成WCTM,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于医学领域 ,和医院相关。


Will Continue To Monitor : 将继续监视

Will Continue To Monitor具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:WCTM
  2. 英语全称: Will Continue To Monitor
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:将继续监视
  7. 中文拼音:jiāng jì xù jiān shì
  8. 常用领域:医学
  9. 相关:医院


  1. However, we will continue to monitor the situation closely.
  2. “不过,我们会继续密切监察有关情况”。
  3. The committee will continue to monitor the safety of smallpox vaccines.
  4. 疫苗安全咨委会将继续对天花疫苗的安全性进行监测。
  5. We will continue to monitor this on a daily basis and take appropriate action should those circumstances change.
  6. 我们将一直每日监视,在环境发生改变时,我们会采取适当的措施。
  7. The group added : We will continue to monitor markets closely and cooperate as appropriate.
  8. 该集团并称:我们将继续密切关注市场动向,并在适当情况下开展协作。
  9. In the years to come, we will continue to monitor and improve those standards, as well as persist in helping our customers improve their products and organizations from the IS point of view.
  10. 在未来的日子里,我们将继续监督和改进这些标准,同时一如既往地帮助我们的客户从信息安全角度改进和改善他们的产品和组织机构。


英文缩写词 WCTM 的含义,不止“Will Continue To Monitor”一个。




  1. Wyoming Council of Teachers of Mathematics 缩写成 “WCTM”. 中文意思是:怀俄明州数学教师委员会


  1. Former AM-1130, Eaton, Ohio 缩写成 “WCTM”. 中文意思是:前 AM-1130,俄亥俄州伊顿
  2. Former FM-92.9, Eaton, Ohio 缩写成 “WCTM”. 中文意思是:前 FM-92.9,俄亥俄州伊顿


  1. West County Toastmasters 缩写成 “WCTM”. 中文意思是:西县演讲会
  2. Warner Center Toastmasters 缩写成 “WCTM”. 中文意思是:华纳中心演讲会

