
“Assembly and Installation”经常缩写成A&I,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和美国航空航天局相关。


Assembly and Installation : 组装和安装

Assembly and Installation具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:A&I
  2. 英语全称: Assembly and Installation
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:组装和安装
  7. 中文拼音:zǔ zhuāng hé ān zhuāng
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:美国航空航天局


  1. The assembly and installation of the vertical and horizontal stabilizers, cabin door, rudder and elevator assemblies are being concluded.
  2. 水平和垂直安定面、驾驶舱门、方向舵以及升降舵组件目前正在组装和安装(A&I)。
  3. Angle measurement is one of the most important measurement technology, it can be widely used in processing, assembly and installation of each mechanical component.
  4. 角度测量是技术测量中的一个组成部分,每个零部件的加工、装配和安装都会遇到各种角度测量问题。
  5. This paper introduces the construction technical requirements of the depression tower in aspects of pre-fabrication, assembly and installation of tower body, construction and welding of inside tower workpieces, as well as clad stainless reparation.
  6. 文章从塔体预制、组对安装、塔内件施工、焊接、复合层修复等方面介绍了复合钢板减压塔的施工技术要求。
  7. This paper analyzes main problems involved in the design of rocket engine test-bed with high-speed rotation, including the layout design, the choice of drive method, the design of axes and assembly, the choice and installation of sensors.
  8. 结合现有试验台的改造和重新设计,从方案设计、动力源选择、轴系部件设计、传感器选用与安装等角度,分析了在高速旋转试验台设计中应考虑的主要问题。
  9. But, in fact GIS equipment accidents and failures occasionally happens. Failure is mainly due to processing, assembly, transportation and field installation. Also, component deterioration and operating displacement are the important factors in failure.
  10. 然而,从实际运行情况看,GIS设备事故和故障时有发生,故障主要由于加工、装配、运输和现场安装产生的缺陷引起,同时运行中的部件老化和操作位移等也是故障发生的重要因素。


英文缩写词 A&I 的含义,不止“Assembly and Installation”一个。




  1. Assembly & Installation 缩写成 “A&I”. 中文意思是:集会

