
“Approach and Landing”经常缩写成A&L,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和美国航空航天局相关。


Approach and Landing : 进近和着陆

Approach and Landing具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:A&L
  2. 英语全称: Approach and Landing
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:进近和着陆
  7. 中文拼音:jìn jìn hé zhuó lù
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:美国航空航天局


  1. The reason is that automatic approach and landing by only GPS based guidance may have large position errors.
  2. 原因是仅依靠GPS导航的自动接近和着陆,可能有较大的位置误差。
  3. The comprehensive evaluation index system of POP in approach and landing phases was established by consulting in-service pilots with Delphi method twice.
  4. 采用德尔菲法对现役飞行员进行两轮咨询,建立了基于安全性的进近和着陆(A&L)阶段飞行员操作程序综合评价指标体系;
  5. Heavy rain is very hazardous to flight safety, the crashing accidents during approach and landing caused by heavy rain usually happen.
  6. 大雨是影响飞行安全的重要天气因素,进场着陆的飞机由于遭遇暴雨而失控坠毁的事故经常发生。
  7. The control of aircraft's automatic approach and landing was designed, mainly using inverse system method, compensated by neural network for robustness. The learning rule of neural network was a linear function of the neural network's sensitivity with dead zone.
  8. 对飞机整个自动着陆过程的控制进行了设计,主要采用逆系统方法设计控制律,并用神经网络对控制律进行了鲁棒补偿,神经网络的学习规则为带有死区的关于神经网络灵敏度的线性函数。
  9. Under the analysis of a great deal of civil aviation accident, This command assistant system is brought forward which aimed to lowed the ratio of approach and landing accident reduction.
  10. 通过对大量民航飞行事故的分析,提出了一种旨在降低进近着陆过程事故率的辅助指挥系统。


英文缩写词 A&L 的含义,不止“Approach and Landing”一个。




  1. Assets and Liabilities 缩写成 “A&L”. 中文意思是:资产和负债

