
“Engineering and Development”经常缩写成E&D,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和美国航空航天局相关。


Engineering and Development : 工程与开发

Engineering and Development具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:E&D
  2. 英语全称: Engineering and Development
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:工程与开发
  7. 中文拼音:gōng chéng yǔ kāi fā
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:美国航空航天局


  1. Six years ' management experience of engineering and development staff for entire consumer products division.
  2. 有6年管理整个顾客产品部工程与开发(E&D)部人员的经验。
  3. I am seeking a managerial position in Engineering and Development(E&D) with a major high-tech manufacturer just as yours.
  4. 我正在寻找一家像你们这样高科技制造厂工程与开发(E&D)管理职位。
  5. As different roles are responsible for requirements engineering and development, the requirement specification often resides in different tools than the development artifacts.
  6. 因为对于需求工程和开发,需要有各种不同的角色来负责,所以需求说明书经常会以多种不同的工具创建,种类要比开发工具还多。
  7. Eighty per cent of its manufacturing has already gone abroad, and all that will remain, he says, are the products with highest value-added inks; engineering and development jobs; and assembly that can be totally automated.
  8. 该公司制造业务的80%已转移到海外,他表示,留下来的将只是附加值最高的产品墨水;工程和开发工作;以及可以完全自动化的装配任务。
  9. Comprehensive evaluation of reservoir is an important studying content for reservoir engineering and development of oilfield.
  10. 油藏综合评价是油藏工程和油田开发的重要研究内容之一。


英文缩写词 E&D 的含义,不止“Engineering and Development”一个。




  1. Equality and Diversity 缩写成 “E&D”. 中文意思是:平等和多样性


  1. Engineering and Development Directorate, Johnson Space Center 缩写成 “E&D”. 中文意思是:约翰逊航天中心工程和开发理事会

