
“EXperiment Operator”经常缩写成EXO,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和美国航空航天局相关。


EXperiment Operator : 实验操作员

EXperiment Operator具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:EXO
  2. 英语全称: EXperiment Operator
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:实验操作员
  7. 中文拼音:shí yàn cāo zuò yuán
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:美国航空航天局


  1. The friendly communication interface and intelligent study function of expert system are provided, which is convenient for the experiment operator to study the knowledge and accumulate experience.
  2. 通信界面人性化,配有专家系统等智能学习功能,便于实验操作人员对实验知识的掌握和经验积累。
  3. By a numerical experiment of operator identification problem in geotechnical engineering, two conclusions are obtained : first, the associated inversion technique is a systematic optimization technique, and can increase reliability and degree of accuracy of numerical inversion obviously;
  4. 通过一个岩土工程的算子识别反问题的工程应用与数值试验说明:其一,这一联合反演技术实质是一门系统性的优化技术,能够显著提高数值反演的可靠性和准确度;
  5. Chapter 3 introduced the district recognition. It mainly includes a few aspects, such as the edge detection, the threshold partition and the blobs processing etc. The experiment expresses Sobel operator can calculate the defects ' edge better.
  6. 在第三章中介绍了疵点区域的识别方法,其主要包括边缘检测、阈值分割、斑点处理等几个方面。
  7. Can be seen through the experiment, greedy crossover operator 3PM very fast convergence, high search capabilities.
  8. 通过实验也可以看出,贪心3PM交叉算子收敛速度非常快,搜索能力极高。
  9. This paper demonstrates through analysis and experiment that the cataclysm operator can improve the diversity of the small size populations and avoid the premature convergence in Genetic Algorithm.
  10. 该文通过分析和实验表明,采用灾变算子可以提高遗传算法小规模群体的多样性,从而避免早熟收敛。


英文缩写词 EXO 的含义,不止“EXperiment Operator”一个。




  1. Exoatmospheric 缩写成 “EXO”. 中文意思是:大气层外的


  1. Enriched Xenon Observatory 缩写成 “EXO”. 中文意思是:浓缩氙气观测站
  2. Eviternal Xenolith Oxyacaesthesia 缩写成 “EXO”. 中文意思是:内脏捕虏体氧缺乏感觉

