
“Logistics and Support”经常缩写成L&S,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和美国航空航天局相关。


Logistics and Support : 后勤与支援

Logistics and Support具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:L&S
  2. 英语全称: Logistics and Support
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:后勤与支援
  7. 中文拼音:hòu qín yǔ zhī yuán
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:美国航空航天局


  1. The primary militia has emergency response detachments; supporting detachments such as joint air defense, intelligence, reconnaissance, communications support, engineering rush-repair, transportation and equipment repair; and reserve units for combat, logistics and equipment support.
  2. 基干民兵组织编有应急队伍,联合防空、情报侦察、通信保障、工程抢修、交通运输、装备维修等支援队伍,以及作战保障、后勤保障、装备保障等储备队伍。
  3. This paper studies the building of laboratory and experimental teaching for military logistics, in order to improve the practical ability of students, enhance the fostering of creative talents, and meet the requirements of development of military logistics and logistics support.
  4. 对军事物流专业实验室建设及其实验教学改革进行了研究探讨,以提高学员的实践能力,加强创新能力的培养,适应军事物流学科发展和军事后勤保障的需要。
  5. On account of those, the writer further explores on how to build a wartime logistics command and support system with our own characteristics.
  6. 最后,以此为基础,对建立具有我军特色的战时物流指挥保障系统进行了探索。
  7. The objective, program and means for reengineering the logistics system, which is expected as a means to optimize the company logistics process, reduce the logistics cost and support the company strategy, are submitted.
  8. 在此基础上,采用供应链理论和BPR理论提出解决方案,通过再造物流系统,以期优化企业物流业务流程、降低物流成本,支持企业发展战略的实现。
  9. The modern mode of production, as Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing, requires enterprises to be able to respond to market demands quickly, however, it needs powerful logistics guarantee and support to respond to the requirement changing constantly of users.
  10. 现代生产方式,如精益生产、敏捷制造,要求企业能够快速响应市场需求,而快速响应用户不断变化的需求需要强有力的后勤保障与支持。


英文缩写词 L&S 的含义,不止“Logistics and Support”一个。




  1. Liver and spleen 缩写成 “L&S”. 中文意思是:肝脾

