
“Main Parachute”经常缩写成M/P,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和美国航空航天局相关。


Main Parachute : 主降落伞

Main Parachute具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:M/P
  2. 英语全称: Main Parachute
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:主降落伞
  7. 中文拼音:zhǔ jiàng luò sǎn
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:美国航空航天局


  1. Based on the deployment process of the main parachute with attached apex drogue and peel off band of ShenZhou-8 manned spacecraft, the dynamic models of multi-phase, multi-segment, and multi-freedom was built.
  2. 以我国神舟8号飞船带牵顶伞和剥离带的主伞拉直过程为研究背景,建立了多阶段、多绳段、多自由度的动力学模型。
  3. Combined with the experimental data of airdrop video, a more precise set of aerodynamic coefficients of the main parachute of ShenZhou-8 manned spacecraft was identified, and the result was validated by experiment.
  4. 结合空投试验测量数据得到一组精度更高的神舟号飞船主伞全张满状态下的气动力参数,利用试验测量数据对辨识结果进行了验证。
  5. In some airdrop tests of manned spacecraft, local damage was observed in the main parachute canopy, such as tearing, thermal burning.
  6. 在载人飞船某些批次的空投试验中,出现主伞伞衣的个别伞衣幅撕裂、灼伤等局部破损。
  7. The results indicate that the identification results were more precise than the originally ones, and the attitudes of main parachute in simulation were basically consistent with the airdrop video.
  8. 分析结果表明,辨识的主伞气动力模型在姿态预测方面较原有模型更为准确,且和主伞运动姿态的录像分析结果基本一致。
  9. Case Study of Main Parachute(M/P) Malfunction in Aerospace Recovery
  10. 航天器回收中几种主伞失效案例介绍

