
“Outside Radius”经常缩写成O/R,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和美国航空航天局相关。


Outside Radius : 外半径

Outside Radius具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:O/R
  2. 英语全称: Outside Radius
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:外半径
  7. 中文拼音:wài bàn jìng
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:美国航空航天局


  1. The numerical simulations in the case of cylinder structure show oscillating wavelength and threshold gain against inside and outside radius of laser, the layer refractive index and pair number of Bragg mirror, thickness, position and oxidized material's refractive index of oxidized aperture, in detail.
  2. 对圆柱形结构情况进行了数值模拟,得到了振荡波长、阈值增益随激光器内外半径(O/R)、Bragg反射镜层折射率、周期数以及氧化孔径层厚度、位置和氧化物折射率的详细变化规律;
  3. For seeking the structural parameters of biggest complete bandgap and the change regularity of the bandgap, the fill ratio, dielectric constant ratio of inner-scatters and outside radius of dielectric ring are changed.
  4. 改变其填充率,同时改变介电常数比,以寻找最大完全带隙的结构参数,研究其完全带隙变化规律。
  5. One is the bottle mouth image screened by the vidicon facing perpendicularly to the bottle mouth, which is used to detect the inside radius and outside radius of the bottle mouth, and perpendicularity of the bottle.
  6. 一幅是瓶口图像,由工业摄像机垂直对着瓶口拍摄而得,用来检测瓶口的内径、外径和瓶子的垂直度是否合格;
  7. The number of particles outside the match radius is selected as controlling variable to control beam halo-chaos in high intensity linacs.
  8. 实现了以强流加速器中离子束流匹配半径外的离子数为控制变量的束晕&混沌控制,并定性地讨论了新的控制变量与已往的控制变量相比所具有的优点。
  9. It shows that the amplitude is too large outside the reverse radius and the electric temperature profile is too broad before collapse and the central temperature is too low.
  10. 结果发现,在反转半径外的振幅太大,并且在破裂之前温度剖面太平坦,而中心温度较低。


英文缩写词 O/R 的含义,不止“Outside Radius”一个。




  1. Oxygen Relief 缩写成 “O/R”. 中文意思是:释氧


  1. On Request 缩写成 “o/r”. 中文意思是:根据要求

