
“Power Management And Distribution”经常缩写成PMAD,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和美国航空航天局相关。


Power Management And Distribution : 电力管理与分配

Power Management And Distribution具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:PMAD
  2. 英语全称: Power Management And Distribution
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:电力管理与分配
  7. 中文拼音:diàn lì guǎn lǐ yǔ fēn pèi
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:美国航空航天局


  1. This software is used on the generating data packet of information collection system, power load management system and distribution automation system, and the background traffic.
  2. 本论文编写了电力通信业务模拟软件,用于模拟生成用电信息采集系统、电力负荷管理系统和配电自动化系统中典型业务的业务流和背景流。
  3. Analyses the products and power costs of Ningxia high consumed energy enterprises and the competition condition in electrical power market, combining development actuality of Ningxia high consumed energy enterprises and electric power reform, proposes the related management and distribution strategy for electric power market.
  4. 针对宁夏高耗能企业的产品市场、用电市场的竞争状况进行了较为详细地分析,并结合宁夏高耗能企业发展的现状和电力改革的情况提出了相应的电力营销策略。
  5. The sacrificial anode cathodic protection features no power source, simple management and even current distribution. It is well received especially on special shaped structure.
  6. 牺牲阳极法阴极保护因其不需电源、管理简单、电流分布均匀,特别是对于形状特殊的构筑物。
  7. For the purpose of improving the efficiency of patrolling management in power system and perfecting the operation management, this paper puts forward a new scheme for power line patrolling aiming at the characteristic of patrolling management of transmission and distribution lines and the demands of automatization.
  8. 针对目前电力系统输配电线路巡检管理的特点以及向自动化发展的要求,为了提高线路巡检管理的工作效率,完善电力系统的运行管理,本文提出了一种解决电力线路巡检工作的新方案。
  9. According to requirements of orderly power use measures management or work safety management, control and operate the power distribution switch of the client side with remote technical methods to adjust and limit the load.
  10. 报据有序用电措施管理或安全生产管理要求,通过远程技术手段对客户侧配电开关的控制操作,达到调整和限制负荷的目的。


英文缩写词 PMAD 的含义,不止“Power Management And Distribution”一个。




  1. Personnel Management Authorization Document 缩写成 “PMAD”. 中文意思是:人事管理授权书
  2. Performance Monitor Annunciation Driver 缩写成 “PMAD”. 中文意思是:性能监视器报警驱动器

