
“System Of A Down”经常缩写成SOAD,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于社会领域 ,和音乐相关。


System Of A Down : 系统故障

System Of A Down具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:SOAD
  2. 英语全称: System Of A Down
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:系统故障
  7. 中文拼音:xì tǒng gù zhàng
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:音乐


  1. The establishment system of NGO which is a substantive and procedural law system laid down or applied by State, it can be also called the permission and registration system of NGO.
  2. 民间组织设立制度,是指由国家制定和实施的规范民间组织设立的实体法和程序法律制度,也可称之为民间组织许可登记制度。
  3. As the solid-phase system / liquid system, system balance takes time, so the concentration of heavy metals enter the soil unit is a first Cr increased gradually, gradually slow down after reaching the maximum process.
  4. 由于固相系统/液相系统体系达到平衡需要一定的时间,因此土壤单元输入的重金属浓度Cr是一个先逐渐上升,达到最大值后逐渐慢慢下降的过程。
  5. However, for several years, domestic listed companies only heightened management, such as reforming corporate system, improving level of employees, but paid no attention to supervising financial information. So a few famous listed companies quickly broke down.
  6. 这几年我们看到企业十分注重从改造企业制度、加强企业管理、提高员工素质等方面提高企业的竞争优势,而忽略了加强防范与监管,从而造成一些上市公司的名噪一时但却迅速衰落。
  7. As a project interrelated to the market economy, the system of China's social security is far from being perfect. This directly restricts the establishment of modern enterprise system, as a result, it slows down the process of our reform.
  8. 我国的社会保障制度作为市场经济的配套工程,体制还不健全、体系尚不完善,直接制约了现代企业制度的建立,这延缓了改革的进程。
  9. Auxiliary brake system is widely used in buses It can keep the speed stable sliding, lighten or remove the load of the main brake system when a bus going down a long slope road So, it can notably improve the bus safety greatly
  10. 辅助制动系统广泛使用于客车上,它可使客车下长坡时保持稳定车速,并减轻或解除行车制动系的负荷,大大提高客车行驶的安全性


英文缩写词 SOAD 的含义,不止“System Of A Down”一个。




  1. Second Opinion Appointed Doctor 缩写成 “SOAD”. 中文意思是:第二意见指定医生


  1. Some Obsurd Animal Diaorreah 缩写成 “SOAD”. 中文意思是:一些下流的动物
  2. Service Oriented Analysis And Design 缩写成 “SOAD”. 中文意思是:面向服务的分析与设计

