
“Minimum Density”经常缩写成D-MIN,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和摄影和成像相关。


Minimum Density : 最小密度

Minimum Density具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:D-MIN
  2. 英语全称: Minimum Density
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:最小密度
  7. 中文拼音:zuì xiǎo mì dù
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:摄影和成像


  1. Taking 17 year old Ginkgo biloba as test material, the effects of temperature and precipitation on wood ring width, ring density maximum density and minimum density were studied.
  2. 以北京地区17年生银杏为试材,研究了气温和降水对银杏木材年轮宽度、年轮密度、最大密度、最小密度(D-MIN)的影响。
  3. The minimum installation height should be calculated on the basis of the minimum density of the oil being stored possibly. Based on both the minimum effective pay thickness of single-deck and the maximum density of the oil being stored, the maximum installation height can be calculated.
  4. 单盘的最小安装高度应根据可能储存密度最小油品时的情况进行计算,最大安装高度则应根据单盘有效厚度最小、可能储存密度最大油品时的情况进行计算。
  5. Density changing mode and maximum and minimum density positions of typical tubular 3D four directional braid fabrics have been analysed to provide information for quality controll of the braid fabrics.
  6. 本文分析了常用管状产品编织密度的变化形式和最大、最小密度(D-MIN)位置,可为管状三维四向织物的质量控制提供依据。
  7. As for the bamboo at the same height the minimum density is the main factor to its density grades while as for the bamboo at the different heights the culms thickness is the key effect on the density grades.
  8. 竹材径向密度梯度与最大密度具有正相关性。对于同一高度竹秆,密度梯度主要取决于最小密度(D-MIN),随最小密度(D-MIN)的减小而增加;
  9. The results show that the minimum cross-entropy density gives more weight to higher risk events, which embodies the risk-neutral essence.
  10. 结果表明最小叉熵密度使高风险的比例增大,这体现了风险中性的本质。

