
“HAZard and OPerability analysis”经常缩写成HAZOP,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和FDA相关。


HAZard and OPerability analysis : 危险和可操作性分析

HAZard and OPerability analysis具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:HAZOP
  2. 英语全称: HAZard and OPerability analysis
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:危险和可操作性分析
  7. 中文拼音:wēi xiǎn hé kě cāo zuò xìng fēn xī
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:FDA


  1. To resolve the blast accidents occurring during the operation of acetylene temperature swing adsorption set, Hazard and Operability Analysis ( HAZOP ) was used to make a safety analysis of this set;
  2. 针对乙炔变温吸附装置的燃爆事故问题,采用HAZOP方法对该装置进行安全性分析,找出存在的安全隐患,提出整改措施,指出装置发生燃爆事故的可能性;
  3. Give a description of HAZOP ( HAZard and OPerability ) Analysis method in detail and the actions which should be pay attention to when start a HAZOP work.
  4. 详细阐述HAZOP(危险性和可操作性)分析方法及进行HAZOP分析工作时应注意的事项。
  5. A description of HAZOP ( Hazard and Operability ) Analysis method is given in detail and the HAZOP applying in the mineral is discussed.
  6. 详细介绍HAZOP(危险性和可操作性分析)分析方法,并且分析其在矿山行业的应用的可能性。
  7. Hazard and Operability ( HAZOP ) analysis is widely used and recognized as the preferred safety analysis approach in the process systems.
  8. 对于过程系统,危险与可操作性(HazardandOperability,简称HAZOP)分析是一套应用最广的评价方法。
  9. The method for combining Petri net with SDG ( Signed Directed Graph ) used in the Hazard and Operability ( HAZOP ) analysis has already been put forward.
  10. 为了使Petri网与SDG(signeddirectedgraph)结合的建模方法适用于复杂间歇过程,提出一种改进的建模方法。


英文缩写词 HAZOP 的含义,不止“HAZard and OPerability analysis”一个。




  1. Hazard and Operability 缩写成 “HazOp”. 中文意思是:危险和可操作性

