“Impervious Area”经常缩写成AIMP,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于综合领域 ,和建筑相关。中文意思为:“防渗区”。
Impervious Area具体释义
- 英文缩写:AIMP
- 英语全称: Impervious Area
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:防渗区
- 中文拼音:fáng shèn qū
- 常用领域:综合
- 相关:建筑
- Impervious area in urban is gradually increased, which lead to the destruction of the natural hydrological processes and the retard of the water cycle.
- 城市不透水面积在逐渐加大,破坏了雨水的自然水文过程,阻碍了水的自然循环。
- With the development of urbanization, the earth landscape has undergone tremendous changes, the natural landscape was replaced by reinforced concrete buildings. The increase in impervious area affected seriously the inherent water cycle and urban ecological environment.
- 伴随着城市化进程,大地景观发生了翻天覆地的变化,自然景观被钢筋水泥建筑物所取代,不透水面积增加使城市环境中的水循环遭到阻碍。
- Urban waterlogging refers to the urban area within, due to the short-time rainfall intensity is large, while urban surface impervious area of infiltration capacity, moisture-holding capacity is weak, so in short intense rainfall when surface runoff formation under a regional flood disaster.
- 城市内涝是指在城市区域范围内,由于短时间雨量强度较大,同时城市地表不透水区域的渗透能力、蓄水能力较弱,因而在短时强降雨情况下形成地表径流的一种区域性洪涝灾害。
- Under the condition of the same rainfall, the urban runoff increases due to the increase in impervious area, so is the runoff coefficient and peak flow.
- 在降雨量相同的条件下,由于不透水面积的增加,致使城区产流增加,径流系数加大,洪峰流量明显增大。
- The strength of first flush effect is increased with the increased proportion of impervious area and is decreased with the increased catchment area.
- 各水质指标的初期效应强度随不透水比例增加而增加,随汇水面积增加而减小。
英文缩写词 AIMP 的含义,不止“Impervious Area”一个。
- Army Intelligence Master Plan 缩写成 “AIMP”. 中文意思是:陆军情报总体规划
- ARTADS (ARmy TActical Data System) Interface Management Plan 缩写成 “AIMP”. 中文意思是:陆军战术数据系统接口管理计划