
“Lord Chief Justice”经常缩写成LCJ,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和法律和法律相关。


Lord Chief Justice : 首席大法官大人

Lord Chief Justice具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:LCJ
  2. 英语全称: Lord Chief Justice
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:首席大法官大人
  7. 中文拼音:shǒu xí dà fǎ guān dà ren
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:法律和法律


  1. The inquiry by Lord Woolf, former Lord Chief Justice(LCJ) of England and Wales, found that some LSE people had warned that the junior Gaddafi was not up to graduate study.
  2. 前英格兰和威尔士首席大法官伍尔夫爵士的这项调查发现,LSE的一些人曾警告称,卡扎菲的这个二儿子不适合在此攻读研究生。
  3. Uniquely, Lord Bingham has held all three of Britain's great judicial offices : Master of the Rolls [ 1 ], Lord Chief Justice(LCJ) and Senior Law Lord until his retirement in2008.
  4. 宾汉勋爵独一无二的身兼英国的三个重要司法职位:上诉法院民事庭庭长,首席大法官,高级司法议员,直到2008年退休。
  5. In his ruling Igor Judge, the Lord Chief Justice(LCJ), held that the principle of confidentiality between intelligence agencies was " not absolute ".
  6. 首席大法官,伊格尔法官认为情报局之间的保密规则是不确定的。
  7. A report by former Lord Chief Justice(LCJ) Lord Woolf says mistakes and errors of judgement damaged the LSE's reputation.
  8. 前首席大法官沃尔夫勋爵出具的一份调查报告表示,错误的判断造成该学院的声誉受到了损害。
  9. After a long debate, the Lord Chief Justice(LCJ), Lord Philips, head of the judiciary in England and Wales, finally ordered the changes in an attempt to modernise the courts.
  10. 在长的辩论之后,英国高等法院王座庭庭长菲利普斯勋爵英格兰和威尔士的最高司法长官下令,以使法庭现代化。

