
“Forward-Looking Infrared”经常缩写成FLIR,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。


Forward-Looking Infrared : 前视红外

Forward-Looking Infrared具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:FLIR
  2. 英语全称: Forward-Looking Infrared
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:前视红外
  7. 中文拼音:qián shì hóng wài
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:军事


  1. Its payload can include a color television camera and a forward-looking infrared sensor.
  2. 它的负载能包括一套彩色电视摄像机和一套前视红外(FLIR)仪传感器。
  3. The Su-34 is equipped with an electro-optical fire-control system, supplied by the Urals Optical and Mechanical Plant ( YOM3 ) and a Geofizika FLIR ( forward-looking infrared ) pod.
  4. 苏-34除火控雷达外,还装备了乌拉尔光学机械工厂研制的光电火控系统,以及红外前视系统观瞄吊舱。
  5. The results of segmentation for the forward-looking infrared images show that the algorithm is feasible and effective.
  6. 对红外前视图像的分割结果表明:改进算法是行之有效的。
  7. First this paper introduces a three-dimensional laser radar and analyses the laser radar system, then introduces the forward-looking infrared ( FLIR ) system and its single pixel statistics.
  8. 首先对3-D脉冲相干成像激光雷达系统作了简单的介绍,并且给出了针对该激光雷达系统进行的理论分析,给出了被动红外成像单像素统计模型。
  9. Infrared guidance technology based on forward-looking infrared imaging is a main development direction thanks to high accuracy, strong anti-interference ability and high resolution.
  10. 基于前视红外(FLIR)成像的制导技术具有精度高、抗干扰能力强、分辨率高等特点,已成为红外制导的主要发展方向。


英文缩写词 FLIR 的含义,不止“Forward-Looking Infrared”一个。




  1. Flir Systems, Inc. 缩写成 “FLIR”. 中文意思是:FLIR系统公司


  1. Forward Looking InfraRed 缩写成 “FLIR”. 中文意思是:前视红外


  1. FaceLift Image Replacement 缩写成 “FLIR”. 中文意思是:整容图像替换

