“Incidents At Sea”经常缩写成INCSEA,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。中文意思为:“海上事故”。
Incidents At Sea具体释义
- 英文缩写:INCSEA
- 英语全称: Incidents At Sea
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:海上事故
- 中文拼音:hǎi shang shì gù
- 常用领域:机构
- 相关:军事
- Multilateral agreement for the prevention of incidents at sea;
- 防止海上事故(INCSEA)多边协定;
- During the cold war, the US and the Soviet Union had an incidents at sea agreement to prevent accidents from being turned into much larger and more dangerous disputes.
- 在冷战时期,美国和苏联就签订了一项海上意外协议,用以在发生意外时防止事态扩大和加重,演变成危险的争端。
- In recent years, incidents at sea have escalated, suggesting Beijing is getting bolder.
- 最近几年,海上冲突有所升级,似乎表明北京方面正变得更为大胆。
- The Obama administration has been eager to rebuild links, in part to find ways to prevent incidents at sea between vessels of the two navies, which have been frequent over the past few months.
- 奥巴马(Obama)政府一直急于恢复会谈,部分原因是希望找到办法,解决过去几个月美中海军舰船之间频繁发生的海上事故(INCSEA)。
- After the incidents appear at sea, the most important thing is quickly and accurately locking the location of targets, or confines the waters at least.
- 在海上突发事件发生后,当务之急是迅速、准确地锁定遇险目标的准确位置或确定遇险目标所处的海域,及时进行救助。