
“Line of Operations”经常缩写成LOO,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。


Line of Operations : 业务线

Line of Operations具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:LOO
  2. 英语全称: Line of Operations
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:业务线
  7. 中文拼音:yè wù xiàn
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:军事


  1. Between the base of operations and the objective stretched the line of operations along which the army had to advance, often fighting sequential engagements against the enemy's defending army.
  2. 在作战行动的大本营和沿军队前进方向展开的所要夺取的目标点连线上,通常会与敌人的防御部队展开连续不断的战斗。
  3. Market access regulation of financial holding company ( FHC ) is the first defense line of sound and safe operations for FHCs.
  4. 金融控股公司市场准入监管是金融控股公司稳健安全运行的第一道防线。
  5. To this end, we try to follow the original classification principle and build a greenland classification system from the perspective of system functions that is line with the objectives of system operations, by considering the different classification criteria.
  6. 为此,在协调各种不同的分类标准的基础上,试图遵循原有的城市绿地分类原则,从系统功能的角度出发建立符合系统运行目的城市绿地分类体系。
  7. The median line of daily medicine cost of operations on the digestive system and the integumentary system keeped at a high level in the period of 1 ~ 6 d after operations.
  8. 消化系统和体被系统手术在手术当日及术后1~6d内的日药费中位数变化维持在较高的水平。
  9. Much money is needed for forestry, and the circuit for the investment is long, which are all in line with the characteristics of project financing operations.
  10. 对于林业而言,其需要的资金量大,并且投资回收期长等特点,都十分符合项目融资运作的特点。


英文缩写词 LOO 的含义,不止“Line of Operations”一个。




  1. Laghouat, Algeria 缩写成 “LOO”. 中文意思是:阿尔及利亚拉古厄特


  1. Limited Offensive Operation 缩写成 “LOO”. 中文意思是:有限进攻行动


  1. Lesbian Owned and Operated 缩写成 “LOO”. 中文意思是:女同性恋拥有和经营


  1. Leave One Out 缩写成 “LOO”. 中文意思是:留一
  2. Ladies Of Omega 缩写成 “LOO”. 中文意思是:欧米茄女士们
  3. Leave One Outcross 缩写成 “LOO”. 中文意思是:留下一个露头
  4. Letter Of Offer 缩写成 “LOO”. 中文意思是:要约书
  5. Last One Out 缩写成 “LOO”. 中文意思是:最后一个
  6. Line of Operation 缩写成 “LOO”. 中文意思是:作战方案

