“Military Department”经常缩写成MILDEP,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。


Military Department : 军事部门

Military Department具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:MILDEP
  2. 英语全称: Military Department
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:军事部门
  7. 中文拼音:jūn shì bù mén
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:军事


  1. After occupying Qingdao, Japanese army established military department.
  2. 1914年日军占领青岛后,在青岛设立军政署进行统治。
  3. According to this scheme, detailed steps are made for military computer network. Combined with network office system, the military department has a rigorous network security system.
  4. 最后,根据此设计方案为军队某部的计算机网络制定了各种详细的措施,结合网络办公系统,军队某部的局域网就有了一个较为严密的网络安全系统。
  5. Because of the unconditional security of quantum secure communication, it has drawn high attention of every national government and military department. Many researchers and institute are studying the quantum secure communication.
  6. 由于量子保密通信具有无条件安全性,因此受到了各国政府和军事部门(MILDEP)的高度重视,很多学者和研究机构都在开展量子保密通信的研究。
  7. The License Plate Recognition ( LPR ) system is an important part of Intelligent Traffic System ( ITS ), which is very valuable in practical applications such as public safety. traffic management and military department.
  8. 车辆牌照识别(licenseplaterecognition,LPR)系统是智能交通系统(IntelligentTrafficSystem,ITS)中的重要组成部分,在公共安全、交通管理及军事部门(MILDEP)有着极其重要的应用价值。
  9. The paper describes principle and present state of Dynamic IR Scene Projector technology currently, and combining study state of Dynamic IR Scene Projector technology in home, discusses optimizing selection of our military department in IR imaging guiding simulation test application.
  10. 本文描述了当前最实用化的红外场景投射技术的工作原理、现状,并结合国内红外场景生成技术研究现状,探讨了我国试验场部门在红外成像制导仿真试验应用中的最优选择。

