“Short-Range Air Defense”经常缩写成SHORAD,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。中文意思为:“近程防空”。
Short-Range Air Defense具体释义
- 英文缩写:SHORAD
- 英语全称: Short-Range Air Defense
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:近程防空
- 中文拼音:jìn chéng fáng kōng
- 常用领域:机构
- 相关:军事
- The Yaroslav Mudry is armed with anti-ship missiles, medium-and short-range air defense systems, a100-mm artillery mount, depth charges, and a Ka-27 helicopter.
- 雅若斯拉夫·慕德瑞号快速护卫舰装备有反舰导弹,中短程防空系统,100毫米炮台,深水炸弹和卡27直升机。
- The short-range air defense system is the important part of the modern air defense system and at the present, that is the hot point in the research and development at home and broad.
- 近程防空(SHORAD)系统是现代防空体系的重要组成部分,是目前国际国内研发的热点领域,有许多典型产品。
- Small-caliber rotating projectile has shown their talents in recent years in modern warfare, and it will play a more important role in future war as a short-range air defense projectile.
- 小口径旋转弹多次在近现代战争中大显身手,且作为近程防空(SHORAD)导弹在未来战争中有更大的发展空间。
- Application of Genetic Algorithm in Data Fusion in Short-range Ground Air Defense Systems
- 遗传算法在近程地面防空系统数据融合中的应用简介
英文缩写词 SHORAD 的含义,不止“Short-Range Air Defense”一个。
- Short Range Air Defense 缩写成 “SHORAD”. 中文意思是:近程防空