“Surface Picture”经常缩写成SURPIC,以便快捷书写、使用。
常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。中文意思为:“表面图像”。
Surface Picture具体释义
- 英文缩写:SURPIC
- 英语全称: Surface Picture
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:表面图像
- 中文拼音:biǎo miàn tú xiàng
- 常用领域:机构
- 相关:军事
- This method will make use of different gray-level between sample cloud and underlying surface in the picture to realize sample cloud and underlying surface segmentation efficiently.
- 该方法利用样本云与下垫面在图像中灰度差异大的特点,达到样本云与下垫面的有效分割。
- Ancient rock paintings that depict the deceased in the rock surface of the picture symbols, this picture all over the world, time, continuity can be traced back 30,000 years are about.
- 岩画指古代先人刻画在岩石表面的图画符号,这种图画遍布世界各地,时间延续上大约可追溯到三万年前。
- Seen from surface layer and picture reproduction, the spread of agricultural technology shows as the flow of three key factors, and they have respective functions in it.
- 从表层、显象层次来看,农业技术扩散表现为农业技术扩散中三大核心要素的流动,而且三大要素在农业技术扩散中有着各自的功能。
- On the surface, the picture of accounts receivable in on-the-market companies in our country is much better than that a few years ago, but there still exist many problems.
- 我国上市公司的应收账款现状尽管从表面上看来比前几年有所改善,但仍存在着很多问题。
- Application that demos an object-oriented technique of drawing grid lines on a surface such as a picture box.
- 这个应用程序演示了使用一种面向对象的技术来在一个表面绘制网格线,例如在一个图片框中。