
“High-Speed Internet Access”经常缩写成HSIA,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于互联网领域 ,和相关。


High-Speed Internet Access : 高速互联网接入

High-Speed Internet Access具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:HSIA
  2. 英语全称: High-Speed Internet Access
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:高速互联网接入
  7. 中文拼音:gāo sù hù lián wǎng jiē rù
  8. 常用领域:互联网
  9. 相关:


  1. In 2003, several international carriers will begin offering high-speed Internet access via satellite.
  2. 2003年,一些国际航空公司将通过卫星提供高速的互联网服务。
  3. The launch of new IPTV services provides telecoms companies with the opportunity to hit back at cable companies that are using their own broadband internet pipes to offer high-speed internet access and voice telephony based on VoIP ( Voice over Internet Protocol ) technology.
  4. 新型IPTV业务的推出为电信公司提供了反击有线电视公司的机会。这些有线电视公司运用它们自己的宽带网络线路提供高速上网服务,和以VoIP(语音网关)技术为基础的语音电话服务。
  5. According to a rumor widely circulated earlier this month, China Mobile has already signed a deal to carry a next-generation iPhone that would deliver high-speed Internet access to its network.
  6. 本月早些时候,曾有传言称,中国移动已与苹果公司签订了协议,将代理下一代iPhone手机,使用户可以通过中国移动的网络,享受到高速互联网冲浪的乐趣。
  7. South Korea has widespread high-speed Internet access and a large percentage of the population uses computers and other electronic communications devices regularly.
  8. 韩国的高速上网非常普及,大部份人口经常使用电脑和其他电子通讯装置。
  9. LONDON &   It is a paradox of the digital age : Even as smartphones and high-speed Internet access become more crucial to everyday life and commerce, the makers of the equipment that underpins those networks can struggle to make money.
  10. 伦敦&这是数字时代的悖论:在智能手机和高速互联网接入(HSIA)在日常生活和商业活动中变得更加重要的同时,这些网络设备的制造商却难以盈利。


英文缩写词 HSIA 的含义,不止“High-Speed Internet Access”一个。




  1. Health Systems and Infrastructure Administration 缩写成 “HSIA”. 中文意思是:卫生系统和基础设施管理


  1. Halogenated Solvents Industry Alliance 缩写成 “HSIA”. 中文意思是:卤化溶剂工业联盟


  1. Hellenic Semiconductor Industry Association 缩写成 “HSIA”. 中文意思是:希腊半导体工业协会

