
“Wuxi, China”经常缩写成ZSWX,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于地域领域 ,和机场代码相关。


Wuxi, China : 中国无锡

Wuxi, China具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:ZSWX
  2. 英语全称: Wuxi, China
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:中国无锡
  7. 中文拼音:zhōng guó wú xī
  8. 常用领域:地域
  9. 相关:机场代码


  1. Now we have quite a number of Italian and British expatriates working the year round in Wuxi, China(ZSWX).
  2. 我们现在有相当数量的意大利和英国外籍员工在无锡常驻工作。
  3. ETU ( easy to use ) Machinery Co., Ltd., warehousing and logistics technology, professional manufacturers and service providers, the company is located in Wuxi, China(ZSWX).
  4. 无锡易梯优机械设备有限公司是物料搬运设备、仓储及物流技术的专业制造商与服务商,公司位于中国无锡(ZSWX)。
  5. Suntech ( STP ), based in Wuxi, China(ZSWX), builds high-quality, inexpensive solar panels that have been installed in 80 countries.
  6. 尚德电力位于中国无锡(ZSWX),制造的高质低价太阳能电池板远销全球80个国家。
  7. In this paper, the actual Wuxi, China(ZSWX) Telecom on the number of business know all the market situation and technical evolution of the business conducted on the use SWOT analysis of a comprehensive analysis of the current business situation faced by the competition.
  8. 本文结合无锡实际,对中国电信号码百事通业务的市场现状及技术业务演化进行了阐述,运用SWOT分析方法全面剖析了该业务目前面临的竞争形势。
  9. Objective To characterize blood folate status and its seasonal trend and to explore factors associated with blood folate concentrations among early pregnant women in Wuxi, China(ZSWX).
  10. 目的了解无锡地区早期妊娠妇女血液叶酸浓度,观察血液叶酸浓度随季节变动趋势,分析血液叶酸浓度的影响因素。

