
“Compress or Compression”经常缩写成Comp.,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于学术科学领域 ,和相关。


Compress or Compression : 压缩或压缩

Compress or Compression具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:Comp.
  2. 英语全称: Compress or Compression
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:压缩或压缩
  7. 中文拼音:yā suō huò yā suō
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:


  1. The aerodynamic design of compression surface in hypersonic inlet is essentially an organization of the wall and shock system, so the key problem is how to efficiently compress coming flow with shock waves or compression waves.
  2. 高超进气道压缩面的气动设计实际上是压缩面与波系二者的组织过程,如何高效率地组织、利用激波或者压缩波来对气流进行压缩是设计高超进气道的关键。
  3. It may also help to compress the area with an elastic bandage or compression sleeve.
  4. 压缩小腿患处也有帮助,可以使用弹性绷带,或压缩护腿。
  5. If you do not want to compress existing row data but you want to compress newly inserted or updated rows, then just create a compression dictionary by executing the table or fragment command with the create_dictionary parameter.
  6. 如果不希望压缩现有的行数据,只是希望压缩新插入或更新的行,那么可以通过执行带createdictionary参数的table或fragment命令来仅创建压缩词典。
  7. You can compress archives on the fly with standard compression types, or specify an external compression program of your choice.
  8. 您可以通过标准的压缩类型来动态压缩归档文件,或指定一个自己选择的外部压缩程序。
  9. It is necessary to reasonably and effectively compress or simplify the surface model constructed from the original scanned point clouds. Based on the data compression algorithm proposed by Garland, a new algorithm for 3D surface model compression with edge contraction is put forward in this paper.
  10. 为了对原始扫描构模表面模型进行合理、有效的压缩处理,在Garland提出的表面模型压缩算法的基础上,提出了一种新的基于边收缩的表面模型数据压缩算法。

