
“Museum STuDies”经常缩写成MSTD,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于学术科学领域 ,和大学相关。


Museum STuDies : 博物馆研究

Museum STuDies具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:MSTD
  2. 英语全称: Museum STuDies
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:博物馆研究
  7. 中文拼音:bó wù guǎn yán jiū
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:大学


  1. The fifth part discusses the development current situation of the tourist product in the museum, and studies the characteristics of the tourist product in the different kinds of museums.
  2. 博物馆旅游发展瓶颈及对策初探第五部分,讨论了博物馆旅游产品的开发现状,研究了不同类型博物馆旅游产品的特点。
  3. Lesley Levene studied archaeology and worked at the British Museum and the Institute of Classical Studies ( UCL ) before becoming a writer and editor.
  4. 雷斯利学考古学,投身写作和编辑之前曾在英国博物馆和古典学习学院(UCL)工作。
  5. In this paper, the existing reference papers, monographs and research study on the basis of actual written, is the current private museum development strategies, practical case studies, the management of the private museum has practical value.
  6. 本文在参考已有的学术论文、专著和实际调研考察的基础上写成,是当下民营博物馆发展的对策性、实用性专题研究,对民营博物馆的管理具有实用价值。
  7. Meanwhile, the distinctive historical consciousness of the National Museum is reflected not only in the reexamination of the writers and their works, but also in the academic activities of the National Museum and the publication of Modern Chinese Literature Studies.
  8. 同时,中国现代文学馆鲜明的史料意识不仅体现在对作家作品的再审视与研究上,还体现在文学馆内学术活动与其主编的刊物《中国现代文学研究丛刊》上。
  9. Serving as the Imperial Palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Forbidden City has preserved a number of Qing Dynasty Tibetan Buddhist shrines and temples, and the Palace Museum has a large quantity of valuable Sino-Tibetan cultural relics and other material related to Tibetan studies.
  10. 摘要故宫作为明清两代的皇宫,至今仍完整地保留着一批清代藏传佛教殿堂,故宫博物院藏有大量极其珍贵的藏传佛教文物及与藏学有关的其他文物。


英文缩写词 MSTD 的含义,不止“Museum STuDies”一个。




  1. Multiple System Tauopathy with presenile Dementia 缩写成 “MSTD”. 中文意思是:多系统张力障碍伴老年痴呆


  1. Master of Science in Training and Development 缩写成 “MSTD”. 中文意思是:培训与发展科学硕士


  1. Materials Science and Technology Department 缩写成 “MSTD”. 中文意思是:材料科学技术部
  2. Municipal Short Term Debt 缩写成 “MSTD”. 中文意思是:市政短期债务


  1. Mustard 缩写成 “MSTD”. 中文意思是:芥末

