
“Architectural Research And Design”经常缩写成ARAD,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于学术科学领域 ,和建筑学相关。


Architectural Research And Design : 建筑研究与设计

Architectural Research And Design具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:ARAD
  2. 英语全称: Architectural Research And Design
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:建筑研究与设计
  7. 中文拼音:jiàn zhù yán jiū yǔ shè jì
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:建筑学


  1. Some suggestions are listed about antique architectural seismic calculation, which can provide reference on research and design on antique architectural application.
  2. 而且对仿古建筑抗震设计时应注意的问题提出了一些建议,可以为仿古建筑抗震的进一步研究和仿古建筑设计工程应用提供参考。
  3. The fourth part, on the basis of the second and third part of the creative industry park of Architectural Research, summed up the creative industry park architectural design principles and design elements.
  4. 第四部分,在第二、第三部分的基础上进行创意产业园的的建筑设计研究,总结出创意产业园建筑空间设计的主要原则和设计要素。
  5. In recent years, East China Architectural Design and Research Institute carries out the design and research of the adjustable reverberation technique in connexion with the acoustical design of some major projects such as Shanghai radio and television station building and Shanghai theatre.
  6. 近年来,华东建筑设计研究院结合上海广电大厦及上海大剧院等重点工程的声学设计,开展了可调混响技术的设计研究工作。
  7. For the trend of our current architectural development, we should not stay it in the appearance to know about the known architects, but research their essential methods and design rules.
  8. 对于我国现阶段建筑发展态势来说,对明星建筑师的关注不应该仅停留在表象,而是应该探究到关于基本手法和设计原则的层面上。
  9. And have brought forward deficiency to architectural design project administration research result and existence, have shown clear direction for project the days to come to manage the method application in architectural design field and develop.
  10. 并提出了对建筑设计项目管理的研究成果和存在的不足,为今后项目管理方法在建筑设计领域的应用和发展指明了方向。


英文缩写词 ARAD 的含义,不止“Architectural Research And Design”一个。




  1. After Receipt of Approved Drawings 缩写成 “ARAD”. 中文意思是:收到批准图纸后


  1. Adana Radyo Amatörleri Dernegi 缩写成 “ARAD”. 中文意思是:阿达纳:


  1. Atmospheric Research And Applications Division 缩写成 “ARAD”. 中文意思是:大气研究与应用司
  2. Applied Research and Analysis Directorate (Canada) 缩写成 “ARAD”. 中文意思是:应用研究与分析理事会(加拿大)


  1. Architected Rapid Application Development 缩写成 “ARAD”. 中文意思是:架构式快速应用程序开发

