
“Portal 2”经常缩写成P2,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于计算机领域 ,和游戏相关。


Portal 2 : 入口2

Portal 2具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:P2
  2. 英语全称: Portal 2
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:入口2
  7. 中文拼音:rù kǒu
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:游戏


  1. The first-person puzzle game portal 2 was solid with some of the graphics bells and whistles turned on, but much less so when we tried everything on full throttle.
  2. 开着一部分花里胡哨的图形功能玩第一人称解谜游戏《传送门2》(Portal2)是没问题,但假如把这些功能全部开启,那就不行了。
  3. Finally, a web service-based four-layer architecture is given, which is the resource provider layer, service integration layer, task execution layer and web portal layer. 2.
  4. 设计了四层的PSE-TC体系结构,包括资源提供层、Web服务整合层、任务执行层和WebPortal层。
  5. Results All the CO 2-DSA clearly showed the portal trunk with intrahepatic branches above 3 ~ 4 orders, the main splenic vein, and the main mesenteric veins with parts of its branches. CO 2 disappeared from the intrahepatic portal vein over 2 ~ 3 minutes.
  6. 结果CO2DSA均清晰显示门脉主干、肝内3~4级以上分支、脾静脉主干、肠系膜上静脉主干及部分分支,肝内门脉显影约2~3min后消失。
  7. Methods Nine children, 8 boys and 1 girl, ( age range : 3 - 13 years ) underwent modified splenopneumopexy for prehepatic portal hypertension. 2 cases were performed splenopneumopexy.
  8. 方法本组9例均采用在Akita手术基础上改良的脾肺固定术治疗小儿肝前型门静脉高压症,其中男8例,女1例,年龄3~13岁。
  9. The content of IL-6 in inferior vena cava is higher than that of portal vein. 2 Intestinal mucosa S-IgA positive cells are shown as brown particles which exist in cytoplasm, and the quantity and the depth of dying stand for the level of expression.
  10. 2小肠粘膜S-IgA阳性细胞表现为细胞浆染色为深浅不一的棕褐色颗粒,其数量多少及染色深浅代表表达量的高低。


英文缩写词 P2 的含义,不止“Portal 2”一个。




  1. Primary 2 缩写成 “P2”. 中文意思是:小二


  1. Pollution Prevention 缩写成 “P2”. 中文意思是:污染防治


  1. Pentium II 缩写成 “P2”. 中文意思是:奔腾二代
  2. Player 2 缩写成 “P2”. 中文意思是:玩家2

