
“New Information Technology Services”经常缩写成NITS,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于社会领域 ,和教育相关。


New Information Technology Services : 新信息技术服务

New Information Technology Services具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:NITS
  2. 英语全称: New Information Technology Services
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:新信息技术服务
  7. 中文拼音:xīn xìn xī jì shù fú wù
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:教育


  1. In last two years, a new Information Technology called Web Services emerges and is labeled as the third IT revolution except PC and Internet.
  2. 在最近两年,又诞生有一种新兴的IT技术―WebServices技术,并迅速被业界追捧为继PC和Internet之后的第三次IT技术革命。
  3. We use new information technology to make our services more efficient and cost effective, in order to focus more of our resources on your products.
  4. 我们采用最新的信息技术来使我们的服务更加有效,更加节约成本,从而可以将更多的资源投入到产品生产中去。
  5. The government reached a new stage in implementing its strategy of outsourcing information technology services with the award of the first contract for outsourcing government IT application maintenance services.
  6. 政府首次判授资讯科技应用系统维修项目的合约予承办商,显示政府外发资讯科技服务的策略迈进新的阶段。
  7. Development and promotion of the system under the new situation to promote the standardization of sericulture industry, information technology and modernization, extension services for the sericulture technology provides a scientific approach and promotion of examples.
  8. 系统研究和推广促进了新形势下蚕桑产业的标准化、信息化和现代化,为蚕桑技术推广服务提供了科学途径和推广范例。
  9. Credit card as a new payment means in our country, which is reflecting the perfect combination of modern information technology and the traditional financial services, and it has gradually penetrated into all aspects of social and economic life.
  10. 信用卡作为我国一种新型的支付工具,已逐渐渗透到社会经济生活的方方面面。


英文缩写词 NITS 的含义,不止“New Information Technology Services”一个。




  1. Neighbors In The Strip 缩写成 “NITS”. 中文意思是:街区里的邻居


  1. National Institute of Technology And Standards 缩写成 “NITS”. 中文意思是:国家技术标准研究所


  1. Nervous In The Service 缩写成 “NITS”. 中文意思是:服务紧张


  1. Novinium Injection Tracking System 缩写成 “NITS”. 中文意思是:新丁注射液跟踪系统
  2. Network Integrated Transmission Service 缩写成 “NITS”. 中文意思是:网络综合传输业务
  3. Network Independent Transport Service 缩写成 “NITS”. 中文意思是:独立于网络的传输服务
  4. Nature, Intentions, Time, Specials 缩写成 “NITS”. 中文意思是:自然、意图、时间、特价

