
“How Its Made”经常缩写成HIM,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于互联网领域 ,和聊天相关。


How Its Made : 它是如何制成的

How Its Made具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:HIM
  2. 英语全称: How Its Made
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:它是如何制成的
  7. 中文拼音:tā shì rú hé zhì chéng de
  8. 常用领域:互联网
  9. 相关:聊天


  1. As for Stonehenge in England, nobody knows for sure how its circular arrangement of stone columns was made.
  2. 至于英国的巨石,也没有人确知它那圆形的石柱0列,是如何做到的。
  3. This paper has mainly told how to direct against its characteristic while the result picture is made and improve the dynamics, precision and speed of the result picture synthetically.
  4. 本文主要讲述了在效果图制作过程中如何针对其特点,综合提高效果图的力度、精度和速度。
  5. The author also describes how sociology should, from its own discipline consciousness and in the process of being made indigenous, connect itself meaningfully to humanities, which is a key to the expansion of its own traditional boundary.
  6. 从社会学的学科意识这一维度出发,阐述在社会学本土化趋势下,社会学如何与人文科学进行有意义的勾联,是社会学扩展自身传统界限的关键。
  7. Under the present background of electronic information era, How to be better to administrate electronic document and guarantee its electronic document evidence, which has made a vital subject for archivists ' exploration.
  8. 在当今电子信息时代的大背景下,如何更好地管理电子文件,保障其凭证价值,已成为档案工作者探索的新一课题。
  9. The technology of computerized accounting is widely used nowadays but how to strengthen its management has become urgent affairs. moreover, its DP man-machine interaction and system inter-control programs have made the system control more complicated.
  10. 会计电算化技术已经普遍应用,如何加强管理已成当务之急,特别是数据处理的人机结合和系统内部控制的程序化,使得会计电算日趋复杂。


英文缩写词 HIM 的含义,不止“How Its Made”一个。




  1. Health Initiative for Men 缩写成 “HIM”. 中文意思是:男性健康倡议


  1. Health Insurance Marketplace 缩写成 “HIM”. 中文意思是:医疗保险市场


  1. Himachali 缩写成 “HIM”. 中文意思是:喜马拉里


  1. Health Information Management 缩写成 “HIM”. 中文意思是:健康信息管理
  2. Human Interface Module 缩写成 “HIM”. 中文意思是:人机界面模块


  1. Hardware Interface Module 缩写成 “HIM”. 中文意思是:硬件接口组件
  2. Hotel Institute Montreux 缩写成 “HIM”. 中文意思是:蒙特勒酒店管理学院
  3. Hanson Is Murder 缩写成 “HIM”. 中文意思是:汉森被谋杀了
  4. His Imperial Majesty 缩写成 “HIM”. 中文意思是:皇帝陛下


  1. Hysterically Introverted Music 缩写成 “HIM”. 中文意思是:歇斯底里内向的音乐
  2. His Internal Majesty 缩写成 “HIM”. 中文意思是:陛下
  3. Help In Mobility 缩写成 “HIM”. 中文意思是:帮助移动性
  4. Himalayan Instructional Ministry 缩写成 “HIM”. 中文意思是:喜马拉雅教育部
  5. He Is Mine 缩写成 “HIM”. 中文意思是:他是我的
  6. His Infernal Majesty 缩写成 “HIM”. 中文意思是:恶魔殿下
  7. He Is Mighty 缩写成 “HIM”. 中文意思是:他很强大


  1. Hierarchy of Interpretive Modules 缩写成 “HIM”. 中文意思是:解释模块层次

